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Absinthe Quotes

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Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder  (Absinthe Quotes) Got tight on absinthe last night. Did knife tricks  (Absinthe Quotes) I understand that absinthe makes the tart grow fonder  (Absinthe Quotes) I could never quite accustom myself to absinthe, but it suits my style so well  (Absinthe Quotes) It is as if the first diviner of absinthe had been indeed a magician intent upon a combination of sacred drugs which should cleanse, fortify and perfume the human soul  (Absinthe Quotes) A glass of absinthe is as poetical as anything in the world. What difference is there between a glass of absinthe and a sunset?  (Absinthe Quotes) There is only one absinthe drinker, and that’s the man who painted this idiotic picture  (Absinthe Quotes) I took a bottle of pills. I’d been in Europe and I had a lot of absinthe and I was just drinking and drinking, trying to, you know, just shut my body down  (Absinthe Quotes)