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People always live for ever when there is an annuity to be paid them  (Annuity Quotes) People always live forever when there is an annuity to be paid them  (Annuity Quotes) Buy an annuity cheap, and make your life interesting to yourself and everybody else that watches the speculation  (Annuity Quotes) When fresh sorrows have caused us to take some steps in the right way, we may not complain. We have invested in a life annuity, but the income remains  (Annuity Quotes) Thankfully, in my youth I had the best financial advisor a son could ask for: my dad Walter. When I got that first signing bonus in 1978, Dad took my cheque, announced, ‘This is what we’re going to do,’ and bought an annuity with it  (Annuity Quotes) Content pays an ongoing information annuity that other forms of marketing simply do not  (Annuity Quotes)