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Aromatherapy Quotes

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I wear Aveda Energizing oil. I am big into aromatherapy.  (Aromatherapy Quotes) Imagine a survivor of a failed civilization with only a tattered book on aromatherapy for guidance in arresting a cholera epidemic. Yet, such a book would more likely be found amid the debris than a comprehensible medical text  (Aromatherapy Quotes) Pseudoscience describes theories that sound like science but are actually just made up, like aromatherapy or biorhythms or love  (Aromatherapy Quotes) If you feel tempted to use a picture of two hands shaking in front of a globe, put the pencil down, step away from the desk, and think about taking a vacation or investigating aromatherapy  (Aromatherapy Quotes) Aromatherapy is extremely useful. If you want to go to sleep at night, and you have an aroma that calms your mind, it will help you sleep  (Aromatherapy Quotes) I could knock out loads of what I term aromatherapy music pretty swiftly. If you want something that is going to last, however, you’re going to have to spend a lot more time on it  (Aromatherapy Quotes) Aromatherapy is a caring, hands-on therapy which seeks to induce relaxation, to increase energy, to reduce the effects of stress and to restore lost balance to mind, body and soul.  (Aromatherapy Quotes)