Baptism Quotes

Text Quotes
When you found out I was Jewish, you invited me to a "pool party" that turned out to be a baptism. Well excuse me for trying to sneak you into heaven (Baptism Quotes)
Baptism is the initial step of a faithful heart (Baptism Quotes)
Baptism separates the tire kickers from the car buyers (Baptism Quotes)
Baptism is faith in action (Baptism Quotes)
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward faith (Baptism Quotes)
With soap, baptism is a good thing (Baptism Quotes)
I love a brave soldier who has undergone the baptism of fire (Baptism Quotes)
That is the best baptism that leaves the man cleanest inside (Baptism Quotes)
Baptism is the door of the spiritual life and the gateway to the sacraments (Baptism Quotes)
The rain on my chest is a baptism - I’m born again (Baptism Quotes)
I’ve had a lot of baptism by fire (Baptism Quotes)
The spirit of revelation is available to every person who receives by proper priesthood authority the saving ordinances of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost - and who is acting in faith to fulfill the priesthood injunction to ‘receive the Holy Ghost.’ (Baptism Quotes)
A person may be Baptized, and yet not born again to grace, in consequence of not having the necessary dispositions at Baptism (Baptism Quotes)
Rituals, anthropologists will tell us, are about transformation. The rituals we use for marriage, baptism or inaugurating a president are as elaborate as they are because we associate the ritual with a major life passage, the crossing of a critical threshold, or in other words, with transformation (Baptism Quotes)
Baptism is the critical priesthood ordinance which opens the door to eternal life for each one of us. It is the benchmark from which we count our many blessings because this is when our accountability to follow Jesus Christ and live his Gospel begins (Baptism Quotes)
A true spirituality is convinced that, against all odds, ecstasy, not misery, is our destiny. Spirituality is baptism by immersion in the stunningness and promise and beauty of life. (Baptism Quotes)
True baptism allows us to reframe, and contain, the reality of evil, without needing to blame anyone else, without any need for shame or vengeance. We are all in this together, and our common wound shows itself in different ways. (Baptism Quotes)
But by virtue of our baptism, Peter Akinola and I are brothers in Christ and one day we are going to be in heaven together, so we might as well learn to get along here because we will have to get along there. God won’t have it any other way. (Baptism Quotes)
Take Jesus for your king, and by baptism swear allegiance to him; take him for your prophet, and hear him; take him for your priest, to make atonement for you (Baptism Quotes)
Oh! for this baptism of fire! when every spoken word for Jesus shall be a thunderbolt, and every prayer shall bring forth a mighty flood. (Baptism Quotes)
We should naturally expect that the baptism of infants, if enjoined at all, would have been enjoined in the law which instituted the ordinance of Christian baptism. But this law is silent on the subject of infants. (Baptism Quotes)
The gift of the Holy Ghost, which is the right to receive the Holy Ghost as a constant companion, is obtained only upon condition of faith in Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, and the laying on of hands by authorized servants endowed with the Melchizedek Priesthood. (Baptism Quotes)
When my children were born, I didn’t have them baptized because I felt baptism was about erasing Original Sin - something the Church said children got from their mother - and I absolutely refused to believe women carry Original Sin. (Baptism Quotes)
The Holy Ghost is manifested to men and women on the earth both as the power and as the gift of the Holy Ghost. The power can come upon a person before baptism; it is the convincing witness that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. (Baptism Quotes)
Christ commands those who believe to be baptized. Pedobaptists adopt a system which tends to preclude the baptism of believers. They baptize the involuntary infant and deprive him of the privilege of ever professing his faith in the appointed way. If this system were universally adopted, it would banish believers’ baptism out of the world. (Baptism Quotes)
Besides the physical ordinance of baptism and the laying on of hands, one must be spiritually born again to gain exaltation and eternal life. (Baptism Quotes)
The full benefit of forgiveness of sin through the Savior’s Atonement begins with repentance and baptism and then expands upon receiving the Holy Ghost. (Baptism Quotes)
The feeling of longing for home is born into us. That wonderful dream cannot become real without great faith - enough for the Holy Ghost to lead us to repentance, baptism, and the making and keeping of sacred covenants with God. This faith requires enduring bravely the trials of mortal life. (Baptism Quotes)
Baptism is not only a sacrament of our union with Christ; it is also a sacrament of our communion as the body of Christ. (Baptism Quotes)
I remember the day of my baptism very vividly. I was baptized in the baptismal font in the Tabernacle on Temple Square. Those who were being baptized put on white coveralls, and one by one were gently taken down the steps into the water. (Baptism Quotes)