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Brics Quotes

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Voluptuous and enveloping like layers of precious fabrics  (Brics Quotes) I love playing around with vintage fabrics and lace  (Brics Quotes) Creative minds are uneven, and the best of fabrics have their dull spots  (Brics Quotes) Commerce is the great civilizer. We exchange ideas when we exchange fabrics  (Brics Quotes) I travel a lot, and I hunt for fabrics, then I have the tailor make me something  (Brics Quotes) International institutions like the Security Council, the General Assembly, the G20, the BRICs, the IMF, etc., continue to be little more than an extension of the (increasingly conflicting) values and interests of member states  (Brics Quotes) My job ranges from creating the initial overall theme of the season, to developing fabrics and sketching to sampling and fitting  (Brics Quotes) BRICS should be driven by ‘People to People’ contact. It should explore developing innovative mechanisms of Youth engagement  (Brics Quotes) We have now reached a level where we should be even more ambitious. We should focus on more tangible mechanisms and outcomes. Make BRICS a platform of Impact  (Brics Quotes) BRICS must provide a united and clear voice in shaping a peaceful, balanced and stable world. We must harness each other’s strengths, in knowledge, skills and resources  (Brics Quotes) As a designer, I like to work with fabrics that don’t bleed; that’s why I avoid all animal skins  (Brics Quotes) Uniqlo as a company has always developed new fabrics and is always trying to be innovative. The design is simple, so the fabric is important  (Brics Quotes) Fashion does seem to have a 20s comeback every few seasons, and I completely see why. Its a very feminine look: the fabrics and the shapes are very pretty and distinctive  (Brics Quotes) Im just a normal person. Its not like I come home and think about opera. My thoughts are about completely other things. Shoes! Dresses! Expensive ones: with a pretty silhouette, beautiful fabrics  (Brics Quotes) I like the idea of paradox, between the authentic fabrics and sophisticated shapes and between masculine and feminine. I’m not so much for sportswear. I think it’s over  (Brics Quotes) I don’t like the collusion between high fashion design and high street. You have to know where you stand. I belong to luxury fashion. That’s what I’ve always felt and embraced. I like the best quality, the best fabrics and the most creative field in fashion. I will stay consistent. I belong to this world  (Brics Quotes) Men’s fashion has a certain heaviness in the fabrics and construction. But also there is a heaviness in the mentality  (Brics Quotes) In my contemporary stories, I write about today’s quilters, inventive techniques they use, and how technology has influenced their art. Novels set in the past let me have fun researching patterns that were popular and fabrics and tools available to quilters through history  (Brics Quotes) During the summertime, I really like to dress like a gypsy. I love that whole lifestyle and the whole mixing of fabrics and flowy materials  (Brics Quotes) Over the years, I’ve learned that you can have fun with the fabrics and other elements, but if it’s not tailored right, you’ll blow it  (Brics Quotes) When you’re designing clothing, you really only have one point of focus, and that’s the body. But home is fabrics and furniture and floors and natural light. If fashion is a planet, home is more like a universe  (Brics Quotes) An infinity of these tiny animals defoliate our plants, our trees, our fruits... they attack our houses, our fabrics, our furniture, our clothing, our furs... He who in studying all the different species of insects that are injurious to us, would seek means of preventing them from harming us, would seek to cause them to perish, proposes for his goal important tasks indeed  (Brics Quotes) I’ve used a lot of jersey, but I’ve also done a lot of complex pattern weaves in these fabrics in solid colors, and there are lots of little dresses for cocktail and evening. I’ve done a series of very important evening dresses as well, just to show that these two ideas can also work well together. Today’s woman can wear an important evening dress or a simple pant and top. It’s all in the personality of the woman  (Brics Quotes) My dream is to be a doctor. I’m almost working in a laboratory, because I’m trying new techniques, new directions and fabrics, new weaving  (Brics Quotes) In theory, everybody buys the best and cheapest commodities offered to him on the market. In practice, if every one went around pricing, and chemically testing before purchasing, the dozens of soaps or fabrics or brands of bread which are for sale, economic life would become hopelessly jammed  (Brics Quotes) I was trying to write an autobiography using prints and patterns that reference emotional, psychological, and personal development in my work, as a person growing up, figuring out who I was. I used fabrics to stand in for occurrences  (Brics Quotes) The shock of the way I mix patterns and fabrics can be disconcerting, but what I am trying to do is provoke new ideas about how pieces can be put together in different ways. I think this is a more modern way to wear clothes that in themselves are fairly classic  (Brics Quotes) Fabrics and lining make a big difference in the garment. If you’re buying an expensive trench coat, and it’s lined in something cheap, it doesn’t feel as nice  (Brics Quotes) Because I’m so hands on here at work and always looking at fabrics you have to be mobile and as comfortable as possible  (Brics Quotes) I started to work with cotton fabrics. I used cotton because it’s easy to work with, to wash, to take care of, to wear if it’s warm or cold. It’s great. That was the start  (Brics Quotes)