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Collateral Damage Quotes

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Ruined land was accepted as the collateral damage of progress  (Collateral Damage Quotes) Islamic law is clearly against terrorism, against any kind of deliberate killing of civilians or similar ‘collateral damage.’  (Collateral Damage Quotes) President Obama has never summarized the Obama Doctrine with such clarity, but here is what it would look like: ‘I will undertake any military attack against our enemies, regardless of the risks and collateral damage, so long as it is over by the time I have to announce it.’  (Collateral Damage Quotes) We want to detect malware, regardless of its source or purpose. Politics don’t even enter the discussion, nor should they. Any malware, even targeted, can get out of hand and cause ‘collateral damage’ to machines that aren’t the intended victim.  (Collateral Damage Quotes) In all the debate about Afghanistan, we don’t hear much about our obligation to the wretched lives of Afghan women. They are being treated as collateral damage as the big boys discuss geopolitical goals.  (Collateral Damage Quotes) My parents, particularly my father, had been used by commentators, political journalists and political commentators, to attack me, and the collateral damage was the reputations of my father and my mother.  (Collateral Damage Quotes) We have 23 million people unemployed. They’re America’s forgotten people. It’s the damndest thing that this much collateral damage is acceptable to this [Barack Obama] administration.  (Collateral Damage Quotes) I’m collateral damage. I’m road kill. And in 72 hours, nobody is going to remember who I am nor are they going to care.  (Collateral Damage Quotes) Gun control laws don’t work. What is worse, they act perversely. While legitimate users of firearms encounter intense regulation, scrutiny and bureaucratic control, illicit markets easily adapt to whatever difficulties a free society throws in their way. Also, efforts to curtail the supply of firearms inflict collateral damage on freedom and privacy interests that have long been considered central to American public life.  (Collateral Damage Quotes) The unfortunate thing, and the tragedy of this show [Revenge], is in exploring the theme of revenge. Absolutely everyone can find peace, at some point or another, but the interesting thing is how you find it, the collateral damage along the way and all the trauma that she indirectly causes all these other people in her circle.  (Collateral Damage Quotes) Rachel knew what she was doing. And when she didn’t, she could improvise on the fly, coming up with options that left a lot of collateral damage but usually only hurt herself, not the people around her. It was one of the things he would never admit that he admired about her.  (Collateral Damage Quotes) The idealism of the left is a very selfish idealism. In their war against ‘the rich’ and big business, they don’t care how much collateral damage there is to workers who end up end up unemployed.  (Collateral Damage Quotes) The world changes! So we’re in a situation today where the only policymakers that have flexibility are central banks. But they don’t have the instruments! So they’ve had to experiment, and the more you experiment, the more uncertainty and the higher the risk of collateral damage  (Collateral Damage Quotes) I oppose piracy and want to see intellectual property protected because that is what fosters and rewards innovation. But SOPA won’t accomplish a meaningful reduction in piracy and causes massive collateral damage to the Internet ecosystem  (Collateral Damage Quotes) Guns are part of the American psyche, aren’t they? This is collateral damage for having a Wild West mentality. It’s intrinsic to the American psyche. It’s never going to change  (Collateral Damage Quotes) We are all collateral damage for someone's beautiful ideology, all of us inanimate in the face of the onslaught  (Collateral Damage Quotes) Asymmetrical warfare is a euphemism for terrorism, just like collateral damage is a euphemism for killing innocent civilians  (Collateral Damage Quotes) All that happens is that the destruction of human beings - unless they’re Americans - is called collateral damage  (Collateral Damage Quotes) I fear that, eventually, we are all going to become collateral damage in the war on drugs, or terrorism, or whatever war is in vogue at the moment  (Collateral Damage Quotes) I’m collateral damage. I’m road kill. and in 72 hours, nobody is going to remember who I am nor are they going to care  (Collateral Damage Quotes) Rachel knew what she was doing. And when she didn’t, she could improvise on the fly, coming up with options that left a lot of collateral damage but usually only hurt herself, not the people around her. It was one of the things he would never admit that he admired about her  (Collateral Damage Quotes) A lot of my friends are gangsters. Not like gangsters - well, yeah, all sorts of levels of criminality - but not the types that are preying on innocent people. I have no interest in the type of criminality that has no respect for collateral damage  (Collateral Damage Quotes) You cannot have your news instantly and have it done well. You cannot have your news reduced to 140 characters or less without losing large parts of it. You cannot manipulate the news but not expect it to be manipulated against you. You cannot have your news for free; you can only obscure the costs. If as a culture we can learn this lesson, and if we can learn to love the hard work, we will save ourselves much trouble and collateral damage. We must remember: There is no easy way  (Collateral Damage Quotes) The critical importance of honest journalism and a free flowing, respectful national conversation needs to be had in our country. But it is being buried as collateral damage in a war whose battles include political correctness and ideological orthodoxy  (Collateral Damage Quotes)