College Education Quotes

Text Quotes
Amherst is a liberal arts college, committed to providing students with a broad education (College Education Quotes)
Compassion is a college education. It’s a doctorate. (College Education Quotes)
Your college education is a key moment in life (College Education Quotes)
The individual college youth cannot wait forever until the problem of his education is decided (College Education Quotes)
The best education you can get is investing in yourself, and that doesn’t mean college or university. (College Education Quotes)
Our youth deserve the opportunity to complete their high school and college education, free of early parenthood. Their future children deserve the opportunity to grow up in financially and emotionally stable homes. Our communities benefit from healthy, productive, well-prepared young people (College Education Quotes)
People of my age who went to college, go into college, you know what it cost back then? Nothing or next to nothing. At the most, you had to work at Dairy Queen during the summer and that would pay for your college education (College Education Quotes)
Middle class families are struggling to send their sons and daughters to school. For many Americans, a college education is essential to future success. (College Education Quotes)
My dad was in the army. World War II. He got his college education from the army. After World War II he became an insurance salesman. Really, I didn’t know my dad very well. He and my mother split up after the war. I was raised by my maternal grandmother and grandfather, and by my mother (College Education Quotes)
Book learning, or intelligence of one sort, doesn’t guarantee you intelligence of another sort.You can behave just as stupidly with a good college education. (College Education Quotes)
If you borrowed money and went to a college where the education didn’t create any value, that is potentially a really big mistake. (College Education Quotes)
Even though I did not go into college teaching, I believe the education I did receive helped me to become a better coach. (College Education Quotes)
There’s one thing my old man taught me and it’s the best thing he taught me. It wasn’t education at college or university ” it was commonsense. (College Education Quotes)
A college education I would never propose - a bachelor’s degree won’t even keep you in clothes (College Education Quotes)
I’m not going to benefit from free college education, but I think all those things are good for the country. (College Education Quotes)
The need for a college education is even more important now than it was before, but I think that the increased costs are a very severe obstacle to access. It is an American dream, and I think that one of our challenges is to find a way to make that available (College Education Quotes)
I quickly learned, however, that a university education is not a prerequisite to reading Shakespeare. After all, his original audience was not college-educated. Neither was he. (College Education Quotes)
Claude Hopkins.. maintained that nobody with a college education could write an advertisement addressed to the mass millions. That’s absolute poppycock (College Education Quotes)
The first dream I had was just to get a college education. I got through college in three years, taking extra classes in summer school (College Education Quotes)
I am impressed with the natural health programs at Nature Care College. Their dedication to quality education is truly inspiring (College Education Quotes)
All I know is that I carried you for nine months. I fed you, I clothed you, I paid for your college education. Friending me on Facebook seems like a small thing to ask in return (College Education Quotes)
As far as I can see, about the only thing I’ve missed is a college education (College Education Quotes)
Liberals tend to stress how marvelous education is, in and of itself, and also adore it as a vessel for genuine equality. (That’s me, by the way: Hell, I think we should be spending $50 billion a year to make college education free). (College Education Quotes)
If entrepreneurs were running schools, instead of bureaucrats, schools would be teaching a lot more of the skills and mindsets found in this book. Since they’re not, this book is a necessary antidote to a traditional college education. (College Education Quotes)
Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre, but they are more deadly in the long run. Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. (College Education Quotes)
The only educational aspect of television is that it puts the repair man’s kids through college. (College Education Quotes)
My own view is that the general education curriculum that a college picks has to be appropriate for the kind of student body that it has. (College Education Quotes)
The highest culture is not obtained from the teacher when at school or college, so much as by our ever diligent self-education when we become men. (College Education Quotes)
Early college high schools in North Carolina and across the country show us that challenge - not remediation - is an approach to education that works. (College Education Quotes)
I probably didn’t put forth the effort I should have put forth, didn’t realize the value of education until I went to college. (College Education Quotes)