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You know you can't read. It's the Bible, you get credit for trying  (Credit Quotes) Never stop doing your best just because someone didn't give you the credit you deserved  (Credit Quotes) It’s all in the art. You get no credit for living  (Credit Quotes) I’m not about to take credit for something I didn’t do  (Credit Quotes) The only good ideas are the ones I can take credit for  (Credit Quotes) Public credit is suspicion asleep  (Credit Quotes) Take heed of credit decaid, and people that have nothing  (Credit Quotes) Credit card interest payments are the dumbest money of all  (Credit Quotes) There’s nothing like undeserved credit to make you feel shabby  (Credit Quotes) Credit is a young man’s capital  (Credit Quotes) Almost all the opinions we have are taken on authority and on credit  (Credit Quotes) I had plastic surgery last week. I cut up my credit cards  (Credit Quotes) Our business is to have great credit and to use it little  (Credit Quotes) Oaths are not the credit of men but men of oaths  (Credit Quotes) Ugliness is a letter of credit for some special purposes  (Credit Quotes) The childcare tax credit makes some sense  (Credit Quotes) Give credit to whom credit due  (Credit Quotes) Money is a poor man’s credit card  (Credit Quotes) Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them  (Credit Quotes) There might be some credit in being jolly  (Credit Quotes) Perhaps I have a wider range than I’d given myself credit for  (Credit Quotes) Make this the year you tackle that credit card debt once and for all  (Credit Quotes) The world does not need another credit card  (Credit Quotes) We have far more ability than we give ourselves credit for  (Credit Quotes) Lavish credit on anyone and everyone who helped you the least bit  (Credit Quotes) Depression is the aftermath of credit expansion  (Credit Quotes) Most women are far more intelligent than people give them credit for  (Credit Quotes) Real charity is giving from the heart without taking credit  (Credit Quotes) Money is just the poor man’s credit card  (Credit Quotes) If you can’t explain it, how can you take credit for it?  (Credit Quotes)
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