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Explosive Quotes

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Desire, like the atom, is explosive with creative force  (Explosive Quotes) I think it’s funny to be delicate with subjects that are explosive  (Explosive Quotes) The good thing about being explosive is that no one can beat you  (Explosive Quotes) Though friendship is not quick to burn it is explosive stuff  (Explosive Quotes) Genius, as an explosive power, beats gunpowder hollow  (Explosive Quotes) Witty, brooding, contemplative, explosive: take your pick  (Explosive Quotes) Sometimes you fail your chemistry test and other times it’s explosive  (Explosive Quotes) Most human problems can be solved by an appropriate charge of high explosive  (Explosive Quotes) Men can not stand the explosive mixture of beauty and intelligence  (Explosive Quotes) You need to get ready because I have explosive blessings coming your way  (Explosive Quotes) Remember that the most difficult tasks are consummated, not by a single explosive burst of energy or effort, but by the constant daily application of the best you have within you  (Explosive Quotes) I think nowadays economic liberties are an explosive issue  (Explosive Quotes) The most explosive book of the twentieth century... I’m not kidding, it explodes!!  (Explosive Quotes) Palestine is the cement that holds the Arab world together, or it is the explosive that blows it apart  (Explosive Quotes) I chose the most explosive dress I could find. I put a ton of makeup on and some great round earrings. I looked like Jennifer Jones in Duel in the Sun  (Explosive Quotes) Yet in this global economy, no jobs are safe. High - speed Internet connections and low - cost, skilled labor overseas are an explosive combination  (Explosive Quotes) When something explosive is kept hidden away, a tension builds within that must ultimately be released  (Explosive Quotes) The political environment we create matters because a disturbed person cannot always tell the difference between explosive rhetoric and explosive actions  (Explosive Quotes) We are odd compounds full of explosive material to which circumstances may at any time apply a spark, with results undreamed of even by those who thought they knew us best  (Explosive Quotes) Never done an explosion, but I have had explosive diarrhea, and that was very, very real. Good thing I have my trailer  (Explosive Quotes) If you could position the best platform media company around the world with the best content, we could get explosive growth  (Explosive Quotes) I like the sprints so much because it’s very explosive, very aggressive, and quite physical sometimes as well. On top of that you’ve got the speed, so it’s a big adrenaline rush coming into the sprints all the time. I love that bit!  (Explosive Quotes) You should see my house. It’s sort of explosive. Like a crazy person lives there.  (Explosive Quotes) What makes the vault so spectacular is because it’s a very athletic type of event, where it needs a lot of speed, a lot of explosive action and, of course, great coordination.  (Explosive Quotes) Yet in this global economy, no jobs are safe. High-speed Internet connections and low-cost, skilled labor overseas are an explosive combination.  (Explosive Quotes) I work barefooted on balance plates. I do explosive squats on balance surfaces that your body has to use muscles it’s not used to. It’s all kinds of exercises that your body isn’t really used to, and it tricks your body into getting stronger every time.  (Explosive Quotes) There’s a kind of tension that if I’m getting a story right I can feel right away, and I don’t feel that when I try to write a novel. I kind of want a moment that’s explosive, and I want everything gathered into that.  (Explosive Quotes) It happens all the time! People are always talking about that explosive moment in their family history that sort of changed everything and rattled the cage, and more times than not it has nothing to do with trans issues. That’s why people are relating to this show [Transparent], because our family is their family and they understand that dynamic.  (Explosive Quotes) I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity.  (Explosive Quotes) Women can drive progress towards the central goals of mine action, which aims to increase security, rebuild communities, reclaim land and end the looming fear caused by explosive remnants of war.  (Explosive Quotes)
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