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Functional Quotes

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If you’re functional, it doesn’t matter if you’re mad  (Functional Quotes) I view my hair and clothes as functional art  (Functional Quotes) Any person who says their family is perfectly functional is lying  (Functional Quotes) There are three different kinds of scripting: functional, informational and emotional  (Functional Quotes) Asymmetry is the rhythmic expression of functional design  (Functional Quotes) Food should be fun, but it should also be functional  (Functional Quotes) If a chair or a building is not functional … it is ridiculous  (Functional Quotes) Very rarely is there actually a functional reason for a fashion rule  (Functional Quotes) A functional media is as important to democratic freedom as voting  (Functional Quotes) My poetry had the same functional origin and the same formal configuration as teenage acne  (Functional Quotes) The most functional way to regulate difficult emotions in love relationships is to share them  (Functional Quotes) An artist is someone who can hold two opposing viewpoints and still remain fully functional  (Functional Quotes) I like decorative, functional things that I feel comfortable in  (Functional Quotes) I was a functional addict  (Functional Quotes) The goal of physiological research is functional nature  (Functional Quotes) We should learn from the snail: it has devised a home that is both exquisite and functional  (Functional Quotes) The more closely our maps or paradigms are aligned with these principles or natural laws, the more accurate and functional they will be  (Functional Quotes) I think a lot of times people design restaurants with flash in mind. I think you should design restaurants with function in mind. Make sure it's functional and works with what you're trying to accomplish. Design can come later  (Functional Quotes) The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society - more briefly, to find your real job, and do it  (Functional Quotes) Christian conservatives care about their families eating. They're concerned about energy independence. They're concerned about functional government  (Functional Quotes) Well, I don’t play heroes obviously. I never played the guy who gets the girl. It might be interesting to do a part where I was a father in a functional family  (Functional Quotes) In addressing a task, one almost always has several possible options, sometimes only a few, and they may all be practical and functional. But they lack the aesthetic aspect that raises it to architecture  (Functional Quotes) There’s very little admirable about being a pirate. There’s very little functional about a pirate. There’s very little real about a pirate  (Functional Quotes) Our bodies are machines and have to be functional, and to do that they have to be fed properly  (Functional Quotes) Exact information about the functional significance of the deep sections of the brain is only obtained by working through the brain histologically in serial section  (Functional Quotes) The most important consideration I have is I want my legislative shop to have a functional office suite that is conducive to getting their work accomplished  (Functional Quotes) I definitely have managed to overcome dyslexia now to become a fully functional human being but things were a lot more difficult when I was younger  (Functional Quotes) The defining qualities are about use: ease and simplicity. Caring beyond the functional imperative, we also acknowledge that products have a significance way beyond traditional views of function  (Functional Quotes) In these days of widespread illiteracy, functional illiteracy... anything that keeps people stupid is a felony  (Functional Quotes) It’s a stark thought that when we die most of us will leave behind uneaten biscuits, unused coffee, half toilet rolls, half cartons of milk in the fridge to go sour; that everyday functional things will outlive us and prove that we weren’t ready to go; that we weren’t smart or knowing or heroic; that we were just animals whose animal bodies stopped working without any sort of schedule or any consent from us  (Functional Quotes)
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