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Grueling Quotes

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Living with a saint is more grueling than being one  (Grueling Quotes) The hardest part is the grueling work of constantly being wrong  (Grueling Quotes) To make a movie is very grueling at times. Long, long hours and cold weather  (Grueling Quotes) Series work is just grueling  (Grueling Quotes) I actually believed if you work hard enough it was inevitable you’d succeed. Then I lived the ‘Social Network’ movie, but only the first half. The hardest part is the grueling work of constantly being wrong.  (Grueling Quotes) You have to write or else the auditioning process becomes so grueling because it’s so hard to work  (Grueling Quotes) I went to see Dad in hospital after he had gone through one particularly grueling operation. I walked into the room where he was recovering, and he was sitting up in a chair, wearing his shirt and tie. That was after eight hours of surgery. I found that so moving.  (Grueling Quotes) The Road’ was my first American film, my first film in the snow. The first of everything. So, I was jumping into it, and that was pretty grueling.  (Grueling Quotes) Pilot season tends to be grueling, because you can be thrown all of these auditions at once - last-minute, always - and you’re going on three a day, especially back in the day.  (Grueling Quotes) This is the time it all starts, I’m telling you. Like, 16, I mean, forget it. You could just get beat up, you could go through these grueling schedules.  (Grueling Quotes) I spent a good part of the nineties roaming the Earth writing about conflict. It was very grueling. I was beginning to find this way of life was, wow, addictive and deeply meaningful.  (Grueling Quotes) I really am not a weakling. We like to do a lot of takes, so it ends up being pretty physically grueling.  (Grueling Quotes) The tour life definitely puts strains on your body, not just because of the dancing but because of the fact that you are traveling into the wee hours of the day, getting up early, going to sound check - just the grueling process of it all.  (Grueling Quotes) Moon Bloodgood is so dedicated, and I was impressed with her dedication. She was put into some grueling situations - cold, freezing, thrown into mud puddles, cold mountains and she didn’t complain once. A lot of actresses would have said, ‘Ok, that’s a half-hour reset for my hair and make-up’ and she didn’t; she stuck with it.  (Grueling Quotes) The coffin was handmade from the wood of a single Eucalyptus tree. There were no handles, it rested on the shoulders of six elegant tribesmen. These were Maasai from Kenya, the warrior tribe, known for their courage and endurance. The walkers followed at a respectful distance, the pace was grueling.  (Grueling Quotes) Sometimes filming can be grueling when you’re shooting the same scene for a week, or you’re sitting around for 7 hours a day. They sound like very first-world champagne problems. I don’t mean to sound like life is so hard, but filming sometimes is tougher than other times.  (Grueling Quotes) Golf is the only sport where watching the game is arguably as grueling physically as playing it  (Grueling Quotes) I took up boxing to get in shape for filming because it’s grueling - all the running, the heat, the yelling, the crying that we do.  (Grueling Quotes) The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who, in their grueling travels across trackless lands in prehistoric times, looked enviously on the birds soaring freely through space, at full speed, above all obstacles, on the infinite highway of the air  (Grueling Quotes) This is the time it all starts, I’m telling you. Like, 16, I mean, forget it. You could just get beat up, you could go through these grueling schedules  (Grueling Quotes) I once went on the most grueling radio tour. Living in hotel rooms, sleeping in the backs of rental cars as my mom drove to three different cities in one day  (Grueling Quotes) The audition process is always grueling. You always hope to just get offered things, and sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt  (Grueling Quotes) I’ve done roles before where I’ve wanted to be buff and sort of fit or whatever. And I like to try and be a little bit fit because there’s usually one scene in a movie where you’ve got to run, which means you’ve got to run for about five hours nonstop. So, for me, it’s just worthwhile being fit because doing a movie can be kind of grueling for six, seven, eight weeks. Or 12 weeks  (Grueling Quotes) Well, television is grueling. The hours are grueling, it’s hard work, and there’s a lot of pressure to get it done without a lot of rehearsal time  (Grueling Quotes) Certainly the life of a dancer is very difficult. The training is very hard and relentlessly grueling  (Grueling Quotes) I’m used to working hard. Theater can be very grueling, and that’s all I’ve ever known. It’s what I’ve done for 20 years, which is crazy  (Grueling Quotes) Touring is very grueling. It’s very taxing on the body and living out of your suitcase, going from city to city, night after night. It’s a tough job  (Grueling Quotes) I had never picked up a basketball before. I went through a grueling audition process. It was almost as if I was learning to walk. It would be like teaching somebody to dance ballet for a role  (Grueling Quotes) Fame was thrilling only until it became grueling. Money was fun only until you ran out of things to buy  (Grueling Quotes) I think a lot of people have a misconception of what the kitchen is about, but you know the grueling part of it is also the pleasure of it. That’s why I think you have to have a certain mentality to understand what that is and be able to handle it  (Grueling Quotes)
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