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Gullibility Quotes

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Martyrdom is often the result of excessive gullibility  (Gullibility Quotes) For every credibility gap there is a gullibility gap  (Gullibility Quotes) Cynicism, like gullibility, is a symptom of underdeveloped critical faculties  (Gullibility Quotes) When emotion supersedes reason ... gullibility must follow.  (Gullibility Quotes) The true meaning of Christmas is actually centuries of gullibility  (Gullibility Quotes) When emotion supersedes reason... gullibility must follow  (Gullibility Quotes) Gullibility and credulity are considered undesireable qualities in every department of human life - except religion ... Why are we praised by godly men for surrendering our ‘godly gift’ of reason when we cross their mental thresholds?  (Gullibility Quotes) We live surrounded by a systematic appeal to a dream world which all mature, scientific reality would reject. We, quite literally, advertise our commitment to immaturity, mendacity and profound gullibility. It is as the hallmark of the culture. And it is justified as being economically indispensable  (Gullibility Quotes) The real axis of evil in America is the genius of our marketing and the gullibility of our people  (Gullibility Quotes) The reason con artists get away with what they get away with is, their victims are ashamed of their own blindness and their own gullibility, and they tend to just quietly go away.  (Gullibility Quotes) Because desperation breeds gullibility. People want to lose weight so much that their common sense shuts off  (Gullibility Quotes) A peculiar side of credulity is that it is often joined with a proneness to imposture. The association of believing and lying is not characteristic solely of children. They inability or unwillingness to see things as they are promotes both gullibility and charlatanism  (Gullibility Quotes) Being myself animated by feelings of affection toward my fellowmen, I am saddened by the modern system of advertising. Whatever evidence it offers of enterprise, ingenuity, impudence, and resource in certain individuals, it proves to my mind the wide prevalence of that form of mental degradation which is called gullibility  (Gullibility Quotes) Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason, and the mind becomes a wreck  (Gullibility Quotes) Gullibility is the key to all adventures. The greenhorn is the ultimate victor in everything; it is he who gets the most out of life  (Gullibility Quotes) Extreme skepticism and extreme gullibility are two equal ways of not having to think at all. And I don’t think I’m the first to say that  (Gullibility Quotes) In its more authoritarian forms, religion punishes questioning and rewards gullibility. Faith is not a function of stupidity, but a frequent cause of it  (Gullibility Quotes) The cure for advanced gullibility is to go to sleep and consider matters again the next day  (Gullibility Quotes) Could people be trained to be less gullible? Or are you as stuck with gullibility as you are with skin colour?  (Gullibility Quotes) One of the characteristics I cherish in my friends is their childlike gullibility, and several excited minutes were spent trying to actually find this book  (Gullibility Quotes)