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Hefty Quotes

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I use the word fat. I use that word because that's what people are: they're fat. They're not bulky; they're not large, chunky, hefty or plump. And they're not big-boned. Dinosaurs were big-boned. These people are not overweight: this term somehow implies there is some correct weight. There is no correct weight. Heavy is also a misleading term. An aircraft carrier is heavy; it's not fat. Only people are fat, and that's what fat people are! They're fat!  (Hefty Quotes) Hefty? I’d railed to Peter, waving the clipping for emphasis. Hefty? For the record ‘Hefty’ is a trash bag. I’m festively plump  (Hefty Quotes) It’s not easy to date when you’re hefty. Besides I like feeling thin because it makes me feel amorous  (Hefty Quotes) If Mitt Romney is vanilla, Chris Christie is three hefty scoops of Rocky Road topped with whipped cream, Red Bull, and gravel  (Hefty Quotes) I was only 8 years old on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong, 38-year-old commander of ‘Apollo 11,’ descended the cramped lunar module Eagle’s ladder with hefty backpack and bulky spacesuit to become the first human on the moon.  (Hefty Quotes) Public employee unions are hardly the only group involved in bare-knuckles politics. Businesses lobby fiercely, and executives make hefty campaign donations.  (Hefty Quotes) It’s not easy to date when you’re hefty. Besides I like feeling thin because it makes me feel amorous.  (Hefty Quotes)