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Insinuation Quotes

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Poetry is a lyrical insinuation. Often, its melodic subtlety kisses the subconscious mind  (Insinuation Quotes) In each thing there is an insinuation of death. Stillness, silence, serenity are all apprenticeships  (Insinuation Quotes) All those who write either explicitly or by insinuation against the dignity, freedom, and immortality of the human soul, may so far forth be justly said to unhinge the principles of morality, and destroy the means of making men reasonably virtuous  (Insinuation Quotes) Shall we upon the footing of our land Send fair play orders, and make compromise, insinuation, parley, and base truce, to arms invasive?  (Insinuation Quotes) This insinuation of the interests of the self into even the most ideal enterprises and most universal objectives, envisaged in moments of highest rationality, makes hypocrisy an inevitable by product of all virtuous endeavor  (Insinuation Quotes) Being sexy is not about what’s on show, it’s all about suggestion, or insinuation. I’m interested in the way a garment hangs on a woman’s body and the way it moves when she moves  (Insinuation Quotes) The talent of insinuation is more useful than that of persuasion, as everybody is open to insinuation, but scarce any to persuasion  (Insinuation Quotes) The Japanese are human beings like the rest of us, but they will strongly resent this insinuation  (Insinuation Quotes) When public men indulge themselves in abuse, when they deny others a fair trial, when they resort to innuendo and insinuation, to libel, scandal, and suspicion, then our democratic society is outraged, and democracy is baffled.  (Insinuation Quotes)