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Irrational Quotes

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I have an irrational fear of wasting a perfect smokey eye on an insignificant day  (Irrational Quotes) I have an irrational fear of wasting a good outfit on an insignificant day  (Irrational Quotes) Reason in my philosophy is only a harmony among irrational impulses  (Irrational Quotes) Your trust in rationality makes you irrational  (Irrational Quotes) Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent  (Irrational Quotes) He found insanity no excuse, however, for irrational behavior  (Irrational Quotes) Woe to those who can’t see the power of irrational logic  (Irrational Quotes) We expect others to act rationally even though we are irrational  (Irrational Quotes) The fact that logic cannot satisfy us awakens an almost insatiable hunger for the irrational  (Irrational Quotes) Great art is as irrational as great music. It is mad with its own loveliness  (Irrational Quotes) Poetry involves the mysteries of the irrational perceived through rational words  (Irrational Quotes) The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent  (Irrational Quotes) Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational  (Irrational Quotes) I think life’s an irrational obsession  (Irrational Quotes) It’s the irrational things that interest me  (Irrational Quotes) Racists are irrational and illogical in their attempts to justify their prejudices  (Irrational Quotes) I am bundle of nerves riddled with irrational fears  (Irrational Quotes) I see no reason to have my shirts ironed. It’s irrational  (Irrational Quotes) The irrational thoughts were the ones with the power to burn holes in your gut  (Irrational Quotes) All that is real in human history becomes irrational in the process of time  (Irrational Quotes) Fashion somehow, for me, is purely and happily irrational  (Irrational Quotes) Sleep is the gateway to those nightly visitations of the irrational  (Irrational Quotes) Irrational beliefs are culturally accepted delusions  (Irrational Quotes) Programmers are as emotional and irrational as normal people  (Irrational Quotes) I’m irrational about all things creative, and I’m always late!  (Irrational Quotes) I am a reasonable and sane functionalist tempered by irrational frivolity  (Irrational Quotes) Only in the irrational and unknown direction can we come to wisdom again  (Irrational Quotes) It’s a completely irrational decision to drop out of school  (Irrational Quotes) An exotic and irrational entertainment, which has been always combated, and always has prevailed  (Irrational Quotes) The great snare of thought is uncritical acceptance of irrational assumptions  (Irrational Quotes)
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