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Pole Quotes

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There’s no singing in the North Pole. Yes there is! We sing all the time! No there’s not. Especially when we make toys!  (Pole Quotes) Everything in nature is bipolar, or has a positive and a negative pole  (Pole Quotes) Light black. From pole to pole  (Pole Quotes) I have climbed to the top of the greasy pole!  (Pole Quotes) True as the needle to the pole, or as the dial to the sun  (Pole Quotes) Yes, I have climbed to the top of the greasy pole  (Pole Quotes) Pole dancing really isn’t as easy as it looks  (Pole Quotes) I like underwater pole vaulting, because you can have perfect form without the risk  (Pole Quotes) Pole vaulting is an event of high and lows  (Pole Quotes) There’s so much more important parts other than pole vaulting  (Pole Quotes) I’ve never fancied myself as a pole dancer  (Pole Quotes) The pole vault is a very complicated event, there are many things involved  (Pole Quotes) Thou true magnetic pole, to which all hearts point duly north, like trembling needles!  (Pole Quotes) Success is as ice cold and lonely as the North Pole  (Pole Quotes) The movies are about big tent pole movies and big action and effects  (Pole Quotes) In short they felt that they should like to have the pleasure of looking at Lady Pole again, and so they told Sir Walter - rather than asked him - that he missed his wife. He replied that he did not. But this was not allowed to be possible; it was well known that newly married gentlemen were never happy apart from their wives; the briefest of absences could depress a new husband's spirits and interfere with his digestion  (Pole Quotes) And what do you keep in such a pretty little box, sir? Snuff?' Oh, no! It is a great treasure of mine that I wish Lady Pole to wear tonight!' He opened the box and showed Stephen a small, white finger  (Pole Quotes) This life's dim windows of the soul distorts the heavens from pole to pole and leads you to believe a lie when you see with, not through, the eye  (Pole Quotes) God can be realized through all paths. All religions are true. The important thing is to reach the roof. You can reach it by stone stairs or by wooden stairs or by bamboo steps or by a rope. You can also climb up by a bamboo pole  (Pole Quotes) A book hasn't caused me this much trouble since Where's Waldo went to that barber pole factory  (Pole Quotes) Heaven speed the canvas, gallantly unfurl'd, to furnish and accommodate a world, to give the Pole the produce of the sun, and knit the unsocial climates into one  (Pole Quotes) Nothing has changed in Russia's policy. Her methods, her tactics, her maneuvers may change, but the pole star - world domination - is immutable  (Pole Quotes) There's the South Pole, said Christopher Robin, and I expect there's an East Pole and a West Pole, though people don't like talking about them  (Pole Quotes) No, rather let my head stoop to the block than theses knees bow to any Save to the God of heaven and to my king; and sooner dance upon a bloody pole than stand uncovered to the vulgar groom  (Pole Quotes) Go miser go, for money sell your soul. Trade wares for wares and trudge from pole to pole, so others may say when you are dead and gone. See what a vast estate he left his son  (Pole Quotes) When people ask me about my story, I just go through the positive stuff: the tent pole moments, the big landmark checkpoints  (Pole Quotes) We sack, we ransack to the utmost sands Of native kingdoms, and of foreign lands: We travel sea and soil; we pry, and prowl, we progress, and we prog from pole to pole  (Pole Quotes) Were I so tall to reach the pole, or grasp the ocean with my span, I must be measured by my soul; the mind’s the standard of the man  (Pole Quotes) A well developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your step as you walk the tightrope of life  (Pole Quotes) I looked at game show hosting as the bottom of the totem pole, one step away from infomercials. I never watched them myself. However, it’s been a lot of fun  (Pole Quotes)
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