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Poof Quotes

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Poof! Be gone!  (Poof Quotes) POOF! You are now gay  (Poof Quotes) One minute I was sleeping on the pillow... and then poof, it exploded. Let’s just be thankful I’m still alive  (Poof Quotes) You want to poof it or ride back with me?  (Poof Quotes) Where I get bored is when I show up for a shoot and they want me to wear a feather boa. Too obvious a thing for a poof on the telly to do  (Poof Quotes) I’ve been in politics long enough to know that polls just go poof at times  (Poof Quotes) I first started asking big questions when I was 12, and by big questions, I mean, ‘Why are we here? What is this business? We’re alive for a few short decades and then poof, we’re out of here.’  (Poof Quotes) Rio was a period of my life, and then, poof, I’m gone. I was very young living here, just kind of floating. New York was a foundation for everything I do today. Rio was the bridge.  (Poof Quotes) Ah, political physics. Someone wins an election and, poof, they are a candidate for vice president. Ridiculous.  (Poof Quotes)