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The hollowness of our worship, and that servile imitation of the world which marks our promotional methods all testify that we, in this day, know God only imperfectly, and the peace of God scarcely at all  (Promotional Quotes) Artists don’t always know. Almost every song I ever recorded that was a hit at the majors that the promotional people picked I didn’t think it would be a hit. I was wrong every time!  (Promotional Quotes) I do not enjoy the promotional side of being a writer, to be blunt about it. Even with the little amount that is expected of me, which is nothing compared to the life of an artist. Writers can live in obscurity and come out of the woodwork with a book, then go back in. Artists don’t have that luxury  (Promotional Quotes) A building that has great environmental responsibility is a political animal in a way because it becomes promotional of a cause. I think that kind of advocacy through architecture is really good  (Promotional Quotes) When I make a film, I never stop uncovering mysteries, making discoveries. When I’m writing, filming, editing, even doing promotional work, I discover new things about the film, about myself, and about others. That is what I’m subconsciously looking for when shooting a film: to glimpse the enigmas of life, even if I don’t resolve them, but at least to uncover them. Cinema is curiosity in the most intense meaning of the word  (Promotional Quotes) I’m constantly fighting with my manager to reduce the amount of time I have to spend on promotional activities, so I can get back in the studio and work on new music  (Promotional Quotes) Art is by nature promotional, pushing beliefs, broadcasting status, aggrandizing personalities  (Promotional Quotes) I love traveling. But I haven’t had big, transformative experiences while on the road. When I go out on the road, it’s to go out and get a story or do a promotional event.  (Promotional Quotes) The book I made it big with in the U.S. was my fourth book, ‘Sanctum.’ My novels sell really well both there and in Canada, so once a year I do a promotional tour, visiting a different city every two days, doing book readings and signings.  (Promotional Quotes) Twitter, to me, works if you’re funny. Twitter doesn’t work as a promotional tool unless you do it very, very, very occasionally.  (Promotional Quotes)