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Rivalry Quotes

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With the dead there is no rivalry, with the dead there is no change  (Rivalry Quotes) It’s a shame anyone had to lose that. What a great rivalry  (Rivalry Quotes) There is no overt rivalry among our children  (Rivalry Quotes) Rivalry is the life of trade, and the death of the trader  (Rivalry Quotes) Such seems to be the disposition of man, that whatever makes a distinction produces rivalry  (Rivalry Quotes) Love is a usually force able of transforming an rivalry into friend  (Rivalry Quotes) Service rivalry leads to service pride, which is good for building morale and esprit  (Rivalry Quotes) Rivalry adds so much to the charms of one’s conquests  (Rivalry Quotes) Records don’t mean anything in rivalry games  (Rivalry Quotes) There are no frictions between us, there is only rivalry  (Rivalry Quotes) Could rivalry be a productive system?  (Rivalry Quotes) It is safer and wiser to cure unhealthy rivalry than to suppress it  (Rivalry Quotes) What rivalry? I win all the matches  (Rivalry Quotes) Mothers and daughters have that rivalry thing  (Rivalry Quotes) Activity in politics also produces eager competition and sharp rivalry  (Rivalry Quotes) Insecurity is at the heart of every rivalry  (Rivalry Quotes) Rivalry doesn’t help anybody  (Rivalry Quotes) One friend in a life-time is much; two are many; three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim  (Rivalry Quotes) Empire’ deals with the black experience, the human experience, sibling rivalry, what it feels like to be ignored or doted upon by a parent, illness, death. There are so many things that I think the audience can identify with.  (Rivalry Quotes) One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim.  (Rivalry Quotes) It seems to me that we have to draw the line in sibling rivalry whenever rivalry goes out of bounds into destructive behavior of aphysical or verbal kind. The principle needs to be this: Whatever the reasons for your feelings you will have to find civilized solutions  (Rivalry Quotes) I think we have no apologies to make. We were in a state of global rivalry with a global adversary  (Rivalry Quotes) I will accept no commission that would tend to create a rivalry with Grant. I want him to hold what he has earned and got. I have all the rank I want  (Rivalry Quotes) The general fact is that the most effective way of utilizing human energy is through an organized rivalry, which by specialization and social control is, at the same time, organized co-operation  (Rivalry Quotes) Feeling is the consciousness of the resulting conditions - of success, failure, equilibrium, compromise or balance, in this continuous rivalry of ideas  (Rivalry Quotes) The general fact is that the most effective way of utilizing human energy is through an organized rivalry, which by specialization and social control is, at the same time, organized co-operation.  (Rivalry Quotes) The rivalry is huge between South Carolina and Clemson. It’s major bragging rights; one of the most intense things I’ve been a part of  (Rivalry Quotes) Experience has shown how deeply the seeds of war are planted by economic rivalry and social injustice  (Rivalry Quotes) He had never been jealous of me for a second. Now I knew that there never was and never could have been any rivalry between us. I was not of the same quality as he  (Rivalry Quotes) Emulation is not rivalry. Emulation is the child of ambition; rivalry is the unlovable daughter of envy  (Rivalry Quotes)
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