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Slob Quotes

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I profoundly believe it takes a lot of practice to become a moral slob  (Slob Quotes) I’m sort of a slob  (Slob Quotes) I’m the biggest slob in the world. My apartment is a mess  (Slob Quotes) You make good coffee... You’re a slob, but you make good coffee  (Slob Quotes) Power, people are obsessed with it. You can take a nice person and turn them into a slob, into an insane being, craving power, destroying anything that stands in their way  (Slob Quotes) When you go to a nice restaurant, you want to be relaxed and have a drink and everything, you want to look at people who look well. You don’t want to look at some slob with an open shirt and a hairy chest. At least I don’t.  (Slob Quotes) Only God gets it right the first time and only a slob says, Oh well, let it go, that’s what copyeditors are for.  (Slob Quotes) My personal style falls between casual cool and meticulous slob. I’m most comfortable in jeans, but I love fashion.  (Slob Quotes) I was a little bit of a slob who was sort of surrounded by dirty laundry. I can trace the exact moment that I became a tidy human being, and that moment was the day my son Sam was born.  (Slob Quotes) I’m living with two guys. I’m living with a slob and a guy who sleeps all day.  (Slob Quotes) I do think, half of what we call madness is just some poor slob dealing with pain by a strategy that annoys the people around him  (Slob Quotes) You don’t want a slob, but you don’t want a guy who is constantly borrowing your tweezers  (Slob Quotes) I can be not showered and dressed like a slob, but my lip gloss will be on!  (Slob Quotes) Your shower shoes have fungus on them. You’ll never make it to the bigs with fungus on your shower shoes. Think classy, you’ll be classy. If you win 20 in the show, you can let the fungus grow back and the press’ll think you’re colorful. Until you win 20 in the show, however, it means you are a slob  (Slob Quotes) I think I’ve proven with my career that I can play a wide variety of characters. Yet, I still get typecast as the crazy slob guy. That’s how it always works  (Slob Quotes) When you go to a nice restaurant, you want to be relaxed and have a drink and everything, you want to look at people who look well. You don’t want to look at some slob with an open shirt and a hairy chest. At least I don’t  (Slob Quotes) My father is an intellectual and physical man, which is a rather unusual combination. He’s great. As he brought up me and my brothers and sisters, he ingrained in us that your appearance is not your responsibility, other than that you should not be a slob  (Slob Quotes) I’m not the easiest person to live with. I’m kind of a slob  (Slob Quotes) Of course people don’t want war. Why should a poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best thing he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece?  (Slob Quotes) I’m living with two guys. I’m living with a slob and a guy who sleeps all day  (Slob Quotes)