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Snuggle Quotes

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Laugh and love with all your might. Kiss and hug and snuggle tight. Let go of sadness and regret. Say I love you every chance you get  (Snuggle Quotes) So burrow in. Snuggle deep. A winter idyll of simple splendor awaits  (Snuggle Quotes) Hookers don’t like to snuggle  (Snuggle Quotes) It is time to face real world, even if it is harder and painful. I’d rather fly and crash, than just snuggle and sleep  (Snuggle Quotes) I love to snuggle up on the sofa wrapped in my duvet watching old black and white films, and catching up with friends and family on the phone  (Snuggle Quotes) Homework is not an option. My bed is sending out serious nap rays. I can’t help myself. The fluffy pillows and warm comforter are more powerful than I am. I have no choice but to snuggle under the covers  (Snuggle Quotes) It was one thing to snuggle a little when the world seemed about to end, and quite another to explain to her parents that she wanted to date an ancient magical horse  (Snuggle Quotes) I like to hear a storm at night. It is so cosy to snuggle down among the blankets and feel that it can’t get at you  (Snuggle Quotes) A career is a wonderful thing, but you can’t snuggle up to it at night  (Snuggle Quotes) We’ll stay warm tonight even if we have to sit by each other and snuggle  (Snuggle Quotes) I want to hold your hand, laugh at your jokes, walk by your side, snuggle on the couch, look into your eyes, talk about whatever and kiss your lips every single day  (Snuggle Quotes) Even the most brilliant accomplishments on the Internet are essentially cold. Google has changed the world, but you don’t snuggle up to it. YouTube is a giant carnival, filled with freaks and mountebanks, a place to gawk and laugh and get bored. Certainly not a place to feel anything.  (Snuggle Quotes) It is time to face real world, even if it is harder and painful. I’d rather fly and crash, than just snuggle and sleep.  (Snuggle Quotes)