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Soar Quotes

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Don't just fly, soar  (Soar Quotes) Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines  (Soar Quotes) The lower you are, the higher your mind will want to soar  (Soar Quotes) Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will  (Soar Quotes) The courage to soar to great heights is inside all of us  (Soar Quotes) The eagle may soar; beavers build dams  (Soar Quotes) We must not creep along when our souls cry out for us to soar!  (Soar Quotes) Words give wings to the mind and make a man soar to heaven  (Soar Quotes) Let things alone; let them weigh what they will; let them soar or fall  (Soar Quotes) Ambition can creep as well as soar  (Soar Quotes) One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar  (Soar Quotes) The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly  (Soar Quotes) I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar!  (Soar Quotes) In efforts to soar above our nature, we invariably fall below it  (Soar Quotes) America is still an eagle, and she’s ready to soar again  (Soar Quotes) There is an eagle in me that wants to soar  (Soar Quotes) Well is it known that ambition can creep as well as soar  (Soar Quotes) Thing: On the wings of love, we’ll soar to the depths  (Soar Quotes) For the birds that cannot soar, God has provided low branches  (Soar Quotes) Wisdom is oftentimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar  (Soar Quotes) Tis but a base, ignoble mind That mounts no higher than a bird can soar  (Soar Quotes) How soar sweet music is, when time is broke, and no proportion kept!  (Soar Quotes) It's hard to soar with the eagles when you're surrounded by turkeys  (Soar Quotes) Soar, eat ether, see what has never been seen; depart, be lost, but climb  (Soar Quotes) Sitting like a mountain let your mind rise and fly and soar  (Soar Quotes) Don’t quack like a duck, soar like an eagle  (Soar Quotes) Be wise; soar not too high to fall; but stoop to rise  (Soar Quotes) Baby eagles can never soar under their family’s wing  (Soar Quotes) Get your body out of the way and let your spirit soar!  (Soar Quotes) Remove the emotional and physical clutter from your life so you can soar  (Soar Quotes)
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