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Sophisticated Quotes

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Oh Ann. You beautiful, naive, sophisticated new born baby. What?  (Sophisticated Quotes) The life of the city cat is short but so sophisticated  (Sophisticated Quotes) Many sophisticated, intelligent people lack wisdom and common sense  (Sophisticated Quotes) Justice may be blind, but she has very sophisticated listening devices  (Sophisticated Quotes) Taxation is just a sophisticated way of demanding money with menaces  (Sophisticated Quotes) I tend to dress a little more sophisticated than most women do  (Sophisticated Quotes) Art cannot result from sophisticated, frivolous, or superficial effects  (Sophisticated Quotes) I don’t really count myself as a very sophisticated businessperson. I’m a creative artist. All I know from business I’ve picked up along the way  (Sophisticated Quotes) We keep, in science, getting a more and more sophisticated view of our essential ignorance  (Sophisticated Quotes) Young people are more intelligent and sophisticated  (Sophisticated Quotes) Novelisation doesn’t imply the truth. Readers are sophisticated enough to know that  (Sophisticated Quotes) Parties are the nightly ritual of the sophisticated society  (Sophisticated Quotes) My cats are really sassy and sophisticated, but most importantly, they are picky  (Sophisticated Quotes) Death is the most sophisticated form of beauty, and the most difficult to accept  (Sophisticated Quotes) Where youthful beauty is unconscious, mature beauty is knowing and sophisticated  (Sophisticated Quotes) You dress elegant women. You dress sophisticated women. I dress sluts  (Sophisticated Quotes) I don’t think there is any coach more sophisticated than me any more  (Sophisticated Quotes) If wit is the most sophisticated form of humor, pranks are the most juvenile  (Sophisticated Quotes) In my younger days, I was trying to write sophisticated prose and fantastic stories  (Sophisticated Quotes) Chickens can do many things, but they cannot make sophisticated deals with humans  (Sophisticated Quotes) Spending plenty of time on something can be the most sophisticated form of revenge  (Sophisticated Quotes) A sophisticated rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity  (Sophisticated Quotes) Fiction is the most joyous, beautiful, sophisticated, wonderful thing in the world  (Sophisticated Quotes) People are more sophisticated in the way they go about dealing with the press  (Sophisticated Quotes) Cheese has always been a food that both sophisticated and simple humans love  (Sophisticated Quotes) But actually I make films that I think are extremely sophisticated and cinematic  (Sophisticated Quotes) I think the major problem in growing up is to become sophisticated without becoming cynical  (Sophisticated Quotes) I aspired to be extremely sophisticated  (Sophisticated Quotes) Boxing is a more sophisticated form of hockey  (Sophisticated Quotes) In essence, I’m a sophisticated cotton picker  (Sophisticated Quotes)
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