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Superwoman Quotes

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Superwoman is the adversary of the women’s movement  (Superwoman Quotes) It’s okay to not be superwoman all the time  (Superwoman Quotes) My idea of superwoman is someone who scrubs her own floors  (Superwoman Quotes) I’ve learned that every working mom is a superwoman  (Superwoman Quotes) I think that I’d like to try to be a superwoman and have kids and work, so we’ll see if I can actually accomplish that  (Superwoman Quotes) There are so many images pushed at women and so many ideas of what you’re supposed to be. I think there’s too much of this superwoman, this woman with a bottom like two billiard balls. There’s no real celebration of just being a person  (Superwoman Quotes) Women who once aspired to the image of superwoman now worry about becoming superdrudge. Those who wanted to have it all now ask whether they have to do it all  (Superwoman Quotes) I am not superwoman. The reality of my daily life is that I am juggling a lot of balls in the air? And sometimes some of the balls get dropped  (Superwoman Quotes) I am not Superwoman. The reality of my daily life is that I’m juggling a lot of balls in the air trying to be a good wife and mother, trying to be the prime-ministerial consort at home and abroad, barrister and charity worker, and sometimes one of the balls gets dropped  (Superwoman Quotes) Siddharth accepts me in the way I am. In the first few months of marriage I got bogged down by the notion that I had to juggle between handling home duties and starting work on a new film. He explained I needn’t be a superwoman. He understands that if he could go out to work and end up neglecting things at home, so could I  (Superwoman Quotes) There are so many images pushed at women and so many ideas of what you’re supposed to be. I think there’s too much of this superwoman, this woman with a bottom like two billiard balls. There’s no real celebration of just being a person.  (Superwoman Quotes) I am Superwoman. I am the author of 15 novels, including one about cancer. I am not, however, someone who ‘gets’ cancer. I am a sun worshipper who never thought it could happen to me.  (Superwoman Quotes)