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Untidiness Quotes

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My tidiness, and my untidiness, are full of regret and remorse and complex feelings  (Untidiness Quotes) You haven’t seen untidiness until you’ve seen a room where gravity has failed twice in different directions  (Untidiness Quotes) My only phobia is untidiness. My hair has to be neatly kept; my shoes are always clean. Everything has to be in a straight line, in its place  (Untidiness Quotes) But it is impossible, I find, to tidy books without ending by sitting on the floor in the middle of a great untidiness and reading  (Untidiness Quotes) Creativity needs a bit of untidiness. Make everything too neat and there is no room for experiment  (Untidiness Quotes) You haven’t seen untidiness until you’ve seen a room where gravity has failed twice in different directions.  (Untidiness Quotes) But it is impossible, I find, to tidy books without ending by sitting on the floor in the middle of a great untidiness and reading.  (Untidiness Quotes)