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This insinuation of the interests of the self into even the most ideal enterprises and most universal objectives, envisaged in moments of highest rationality, makes hypocrisy an inevitable by product of all virtuous endeavor  (Visaged Quotes) The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past  (Visaged Quotes) Like all writers, he measured the achievements of others by what they had accomplished, asking of them that they measure him by what he envisaged or planned  (Visaged Quotes) I finally felt myself lifted definitively away on the winds of adventure toward worlds I envisaged would be stranger than they were, into situations I imagined would be much more normal than they turned out to be  (Visaged Quotes) Glamour cannot exist without personal social envy being a common and widespread emotion. The industrial society... recognises nothing except the power to acquire... No other kind of hope or satisfaction or pleasure can any longer be envisaged within the culture of capitalism  (Visaged Quotes) Action to be effective must be directed to clearly conceived ends. Life is not all logic, and those ends will have to be varied from time to time to fit in with it, but some end must always be clearly envisaged  (Visaged Quotes)