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13 percent think I'm crazy-eyed. What? Why?

13 percent think I'm crazy-eyed. What? Why? Picture Quote #1

13 percent think I'm crazy-eyed. What? Why?

In the hit TV show "Parks and Recreation," one of the most beloved characters is Leslie Knope, played by Amy Poehler. Leslie is known for her unwavering dedication to her job as the deputy director of the Parks and Recreation Department in the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana. She is passionate, hardworking, and always willing to go above and beyond to make her town a better place.

However, despite her many positive qualities, Leslie is not without her quirks. One of the running gags throughout the series is Leslie's tendency to get overly excited and animated, particularly when discussing her love for Pawnee and her various projects. This enthusiasm often manifests in what some characters on the show refer to as her "crazy-eyed" expressions.
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