21st Century Quotes

Text Quotes
Solar power, wind power, the way forward is to collaborate with nature - it's the only way we are going to get to the other end of the 21st century (21st Century Quotes)
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn (21st Century Quotes)
I think there is a new awareness in this 21st century that design is as important to where and how we live as it is for museums, concert halls and civic buildings (21st Century Quotes)
The great paradox of the 21st century is that, in this age of powerful technology, the biggest problems we face internationally are problems of the human soul (21st Century Quotes)
The 20th century taught us how far unbridled evil can and will go when the world fails to confront it. It is time that we heed the lessons of the 20th century and stand up to these murderers. It is time that we end genocide in the 21st century (21st Century Quotes)
My goal in the new administration is to engage all of the stakeholders, everyone who can help us meet the challenges of the 21st century, and ensure that we work together (21st Century Quotes)
I am now seventy, rather glad, really, that I won’t live to see the horrors to come in the 21st century (21st Century Quotes)
It’s about how to bring together the seemingly contradictory aspects of the memorial, which is about a tragedy and how it changed the world, but also about creating a vital and beautiful city of the 21st century (21st Century Quotes)
Our campaign is powered by college students who are not about to let the first genocide of the 21st century happen on their watch (21st Century Quotes)
No one knows when a robot will approach human intelligence, but I suspect it will be late in the 21st century. Will they be dangerous? Possibly. So I suggest we put a chip in their brain to shut them off if they have murderous thoughts (21st Century Quotes)
Basically, I think 21st century conservation is moving toward preserving ecosystems by dealing with the needs of people (21st Century Quotes)
During the 80s and 90s, we all became consumed with ourselves. In the 21st century, we’ve come back to simpler times. People are struggling economically and this has forced them to scale back the material aspects of their lives and realise the beauty of finding the simple joy in being with the people we love (21st Century Quotes)
If the schooling system does not rapidly close the gap between what it does, and what it should do in response to the demands of the 21st century, it will simply become irrelevant (21st Century Quotes)
The most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because of technology but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human (21st Century Quotes)
To set us on the right course we need to create more opportunities for trade, particularly in developing countries, and we need to adjust global trade rules to better meet the needs of entrepreneurs in the 21st century (21st Century Quotes)
Women spend 80 cents of every dollar in the marketplace. We could be the most powerful force for economic and environmental change in the 21st century if we focused our money where it could make the biggest difference. If a million people did that, it would have a $1 billion impact (21st Century Quotes)
The great moral question of the 21st century is this: if all knowing, all culture, all art, all useful information can be costlessly given to everyone at the same price that it is given to anyone; if everyone can have everything, anywhere, all the time, why is it ever moral to exclude anyone? (21st Century Quotes)
Fetish is the exploration of sex as art, and the refinement of one’s personal desires. Anything can be fetishised... There’ll be new fetishes forever. I feel that the 21st century is all about fetish (21st Century Quotes)
The 19th century was a century of empires, the 20th century was a century of nation states. The 21st century will be a century of cities (21st Century Quotes)
I believe that the memoir is the novel of the 21st century; it’s an amazing form that we haven’t even begun to tap…we’re just getting started figuring out what the rules are (21st Century Quotes)
It keeps startling me that at the beginning of this 21st century, at a time when we can... explore the depths of the seas and build an international space station, we have not been able to make childbirth safe for all women around the world... This is one of the greatest social causes of our time (21st Century Quotes)
I believe that one of the saddest things in the world today is that some people don’t have enough food to nourish themselves. It’s the 21st century and that’s really not acceptable, so if I could do something that would change that I would be really happy (21st Century Quotes)
In the 21st century, I think the heroes will be the people who will improve the quality of life, fight poverty and introduce more sustainability (21st Century Quotes)
In the 19th century, we devoted our best minds to exploring nature. In the 20th century, we devoted ourselves to controlling and harnessing it. In the 21st century, we must devote ourselves to restoring it (21st Century Quotes)
For me, it’s always very beautiful that you can do something today in the 21st century which is not an imitation but which has a connection to art which is 4,000 years old (21st Century Quotes)
I think fashion is the best value way, the most affordable way in the 21st century, that men and women can express their personality (21st Century Quotes)
The role of an orchestra in the 21st century isn’t just playing, it’s about developing future audiences and performers (21st Century Quotes)
It does surprise me that intelligent people in the 21st century could claim that if you respond to the terrorists with force, you spawn terrorism, but if you appease them, you somehow tame them. This argument, as I said, is very interesting, and very surprising (21st Century Quotes)
I feel that’s one of the central questions of fantasy. What did we lose when we entered the 20th and 21st century, and how can we mourn what we lost, and what can we replace it with? We’re still asking those questions in an urgent way (21st Century Quotes)
I think the biggest innovations of the 21st century will be at the intersection of biology and technology. A new era is beginning (21st Century Quotes)