A A Milne Quotes

Text Quotes
I just wanted to be sure of you (A A Milne Quotes)
Life is so much friendlier with two (A A Milne Quotes)
And the only reason for making honey is so as I can eat it (A A Milne Quotes)
The hardest part is what to leave behind,... It’s time to let go! (A A Milne Quotes)
What ever fortune brings, don’t be afraid of doing things (A A Milne Quotes)
When I was young, we always had mornings like this (A A Milne Quotes)
One of the advantages of being disorganized is the joy of discovery (A A Milne Quotes)
Nowhere can I think so happily as in a train (A A Milne Quotes)
Something feels funny. I must be thinking too hard (A A Milne Quotes)
No sensible author wants anything but praise (A A Milne Quotes)
Let’s begin by taking a smallish nap or two (A A Milne Quotes)
I found a little beetle, so that beetle was his name (A A Milne Quotes)
Of beer, an enthusiast has said that it could never be bad, but that some brands might be better than others (A A Milne Quotes)
When having a smackerel of something with a friend, don’t eat so much that you get stuck in the doorway trying to get out (A A Milne Quotes)
Come, come, come. Without a monster or two it’s not a quest, merely a gaggle of friends wandering about (A A Milne Quotes)
Chess has this in common with making poetry; that the desire for it comes upon the amateur in gusts (A A Milne Quotes)
Love is taking a few steps backward, maybe even more... to give way to the happiness of the person you love (A A Milne Quotes)
It gets you nowhere if the other person’s tail is only just in sight for the second half of the conversation (A A Milne Quotes)
Food is a subject of conversation more spiritually refreshing even than the weather, for the number of possible remarks about the weather is limited, whereas of food you can talk on and on and on (A A Milne Quotes)
I suppose that every one of us hopes secretly for immortality; to leave, I mean, a name behind him which will live forever in this world, whatever he may be doing, himself, in the next (A A Milne Quotes)
Sometimes,’ said Pooh, ‘the smallest things take up the most room in your heart (A A Milne Quotes)
If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart... I’ll always be with you (A A Milne Quotes)
But it isn’t easy,’ said Pooh. ‘Because Poetry and Hums aren’t things which you get, they’re things which get you. And all you can do is to go where they can find you (A A Milne Quotes)
Turn around, Piglet. Step lightly, Pooh. This silly ol’ dance is perfect for two (A A Milne Quotes)
But, of course, it isn’t really Good-bye, because the Forest will always be there... and anybody who is Friendly with Bears can find it (A A Milne Quotes)
It was a drowsy summer afternoon, and the Forest was full of gentle sounds, which all seemed to be saying to Pooh, ‘Don’t listen to Rabbit, listen to me.’ So he got in a comfortable position for not listening to Rabbit (A A Milne Quotes)
Piglet opened the letter box and climbed in. Then, having untied himself, he began to squeeze into the slit, through which in the old days when front doors were front doors, many an unexpected letter than WOL had written to himself, had come slipping (A A Milne Quotes)
They’re funny things, Accidents. You never have them till you’re having them (A A Milne Quotes)
This writing business. Pencils and what-not. Over-rated, if you ask me. Silly stuff. Nothing in it (A A Milne Quotes)
Time is swift, it races by; Opportunities are born and die... Still you wait and will not try - A bird with wings who dares not rise and fly (A A Milne Quotes)