A frenzy of activity that had mostly led him in circles: wasn't that a fairly accurate description of lust?

A frenzy of activity that had mostly led him in circles: wasn't that a fairly accurate description of lust?
In Jennifer Egan's novel "A Visit from the Goon Squad," the theme of lust is explored through various characters and their experiences. One character in particular, Bennie Salazar, finds himself caught in a frenzy of activity that ultimately leads him in circles, much like the nature of lust itself.Bennie is a record executive who is constantly chasing after the next big thing, whether it be in music or in his personal life. His pursuit of success and pleasure often leaves him feeling empty and unfulfilled, as he is never able to truly satisfy his desires. This constant cycle of chasing after something that always seems just out of reach mirrors the way lust can consume a person, leading them in circles and never allowing them to find true satisfaction.
Egan uses Bennie's character to explore the destructive nature of lust and how it can ultimately leave a person feeling lost and unfulfilled. Despite his outward success and seemingly glamorous lifestyle, Bennie is plagued by a sense of emptiness and longing that he cannot seem to shake. His relationships with women are often fleeting and shallow, driven more by physical desire than genuine connection.
The comparison of lust to a frenzy of activity that leads one in circles is a powerful metaphor that captures the essence of this primal and often destructive emotion. Like a whirlwind, lust can sweep a person up in its intensity, causing them to lose sight of what truly matters and leading them down a path of self-destruction.