A Friend Quotes

Text Quotes
I needed a song and I need a place to kind of get it out. John Paul [White] was there for me as a friend, and I really appreciated that because I just needed a place to go (A Friend Quotes)
I had this producer who became a friend, named Lou [Stellato]. Maybe it was a budget thing, but he never wanted to do any retakes. The more I would have a mental breakdown on the air (A Friend Quotes)
I lost a friend I was blessed to have. My thoughts are with the family of President Chavez and the people of Venezuela (A Friend Quotes)
A friend who laughs when you laugh doesn’t always mean a friend who cries when you cry. Choose your friends wisely! (A Friend Quotes)
When you’re with someone you trust in, never needing to pretend, someone who helps you to know yourself, you know you’re with a friend (A Friend Quotes)
It is well, when judging a friend, to remember that he is judging you with the same godlike and superior impartiality (A Friend Quotes)
Making millions of friends is not an achievement, the achievement is to make a friend who stands with you when millions are against you (A Friend Quotes)
Remember, an honest enemy is better than a friend who lies. Pay less attention to what people say, and more attention to what they do (A Friend Quotes)
Be careful of who you pick as a friend. Most people are pretend to listen, they are only gathering information to judge you with (A Friend Quotes)
Before asking a friend to borrow money ask yourself which is more important, their friendship or their money (A Friend Quotes)
Some people will befriend you just to get information out of you, I feel sorry for those who labels everyone a friend (A Friend Quotes)
Sometimes, when you stop talking to a friend, it isn’t permanent. Maybe you both just need some time to grow (A Friend Quotes)
Concerning football playing, I protest to you it may rather be called a friendly kind of fighting, rather than recreation (A Friend Quotes)
Its all apart of growing up too, its difficult to maintain a friendship with someone who hasn’t progressed with time (A Friend Quotes)
If you’re to lie, lie to save a friend. If you’re to cheat, cheat death. If you’re to steal, steal the heart of someone you love (A Friend Quotes)
It’s easy to tell the difference between a good friend and a friend who’s just there for the good times (A Friend Quotes)
Wow, some people change very quickly. They become backstabbing and rude. I don’t need you as a friend anymore thanks! (A Friend Quotes)
I rather have someone who openly doesn’t like me and clearly lets me know than a friend who talks bad about me behind my back (A Friend Quotes)
I’d like you to attend a wedding with me as a friend who I’m still going to try and sleep with (A Friend Quotes)
It’s one thing to turn a friend into a lover, but it’s completely different to try to turn a lover into a friend (A Friend Quotes)
Today is a new day, make the most of it, tell someone you love them, smile at someone, give a hug, hold a hand, or just listen for a minute, and be a friend (A Friend Quotes)
One day you will look at a person that you thought as only a friend and see them differently. Soon that person will be the only one who you could ever imagine yourself with (A Friend Quotes)
I think quite a lot of people have a friendship or a love that’s gone like that and it never quite reconciles properly (A Friend Quotes)
Why would you try and maintain a friendship with someone who rejected you and placed you on the shelf (A Friend Quotes)
A woman may very well form a friendship with a man, but for this to endure, it must be assisted by a little physical antipathy (A Friend Quotes)
That awful moment when you realize you blew it with a friend and know nothing you say will fix the disappointment (A Friend Quotes)
Loving someone is a great feeling, but loving a friend is even better. We lose people we love, but we never lose true friends (A Friend Quotes)
I lost a friend today, and my heart is mourning. If you’re feeling alone, depressed and don’t know if you can handle it, reach out to someone (A Friend Quotes)
God allows us to meet people all the time that are in need of a friend. A lifelong friendship can start with just a kind word or a smile (A Friend Quotes)
Having a crush is sweet, falling in love is exciting, having a heartbreak sucks. But having a friend like you, totally rocks! (A Friend Quotes)