A friendship like love is warm; a love like friendship is steady

A friendship like love is warm; a love like friendship is steady
Thomas More, the renowned English lawyer, philosopher, and statesman, is often remembered for his unwavering friendship with King Henry VIII. Their relationship was a complex one, filled with both love and friendship, and it perfectly embodies the sentiment that "a friendship like love is warm; a love like friendship is steady."More and Henry's friendship began when they were both young men, studying together at the prestigious University of Oxford. They quickly formed a close bond, sharing a love for literature, philosophy, and politics. As they grew older, their friendship only deepened, with More serving as a trusted advisor and confidant to the king.
Despite their close friendship, More and Henry's relationship was tested when the king decided to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, in order to marry Anne Boleyn. More, a devout Catholic, could not support the king's decision to break with the Church of Rome, and he resigned from his position as Lord Chancellor in protest. This decision put a strain on their friendship, as Henry saw More's actions as a betrayal of their bond.
However, even in the face of this conflict, More and Henry's friendship remained strong. More continued to visit the king at court, and they would spend hours discussing theology, politics, and literature. Despite their differences, they both valued the intellectual and emotional connection they shared.
In the end, More's unwavering loyalty to his principles cost him his life. He was executed in 1535 for refusing to swear an oath of allegiance to the king as the head of the Church of England. Despite the tragic end to their friendship, More and Henry's bond was one of the most enduring and profound relationships of the Tudor era.