A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn't

A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn't
Tom Waits is a musician known for his gravelly voice, poetic lyrics, and eclectic musical style. He is often associated with the image of a rough and tumble troubadour, singing songs of love, loss, and life on the fringes of society. In many ways, Waits embodies the spirit of the gentleman who can play the accordion but chooses not to.The accordion is a unique and versatile instrument, capable of producing a wide range of sounds and emotions. It is often associated with folk music, polka, and other traditional genres, but it can also be used in more experimental and avant-garde contexts. Waits, with his love of old-timey music, blues, and jazz, would seem like the perfect candidate to pick up the accordion and add its distinctive sound to his repertoire.
However, Waits has never been one to follow the rules or expectations of others. He has always marched to the beat of his own drum, creating music that is raw, honest, and deeply personal. In this sense, his decision not to play the accordion can be seen as a deliberate choice to defy convention and stay true to his own artistic vision.
Waits is a gentleman in the sense that he is a man of integrity, authenticity, and creativity. He is not swayed by trends or commercial pressures, but instead follows his muse wherever it may lead. His refusal to play the accordion is a symbol of his commitment to staying true to himself and his art, even if it means going against the grain.