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A good teacher must know the rules; a good pupil, the exceptions

A good teacher must know the rules;  a good pupil,  the exceptions Picture Quote #1

A good teacher must know the rules; a good pupil, the exceptions

Martin H. Fischer, a German-born American physician and author, once said, “A good teacher must know the rules; a good pupil, the exceptions.” This quote speaks to the importance of understanding both the foundational principles and the nuances of a subject in order to truly master it. In the context of education, this quote highlights the dynamic relationship between teachers and students, and the role that each plays in the learning process.

For a teacher to be effective, they must have a solid understanding of the rules and principles that govern their subject matter. This includes having a deep knowledge of the fundamental concepts, theories, and methodologies that form the basis of the discipline. Without this foundational knowledge, a teacher would not be able to effectively convey information to their students or guide them in their learning. In essence, a good teacher must be a master of the rules in order to effectively teach others.

On the other hand, a good pupil must be able to recognize and understand the exceptions to the rules. This requires a level of critical thinking and analytical skills that go beyond rote memorization. By understanding the exceptions, students are able to see the complexities and nuances of a subject, and develop a deeper understanding of how the rules can be applied in different contexts. This ability to think critically and creatively is essential for true mastery of a subject.
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