A great city is that which has the greatest men and women

Men And QuotesGreat City QuotesMen And Women QuotesThe Great QuotesAbout Women QuotesWalt Whitman Quotes
A great city is that which has the greatest men and women
Walt Whitman, one of America's most celebrated poets, believed that a great city is defined by the greatness of its men and women. In his famous poem "Song of the Open Road," Whitman extols the virtues of individuals who possess strength, courage, and a sense of purpose. He believed that a city's greatness is not measured by its buildings or infrastructure, but by the character and accomplishments of its inhabitants.Whitman's vision of a great city is one where men and women are free to pursue their dreams and fulfill their potential. He believed that a city's greatness lies in the diversity and creativity of its people, who bring their unique talents and perspectives to the community. Whitman celebrated the individuality and independence of the people who make up a city, recognizing that it is their collective efforts that shape its identity and reputation.
In Whitman's view, a great city is a place where men and women are empowered to make a difference in the world. He believed that the greatness of a city is reflected in the achievements of its citizens, who strive to improve themselves and their community. Whitman saw the potential for greatness in every individual, and he believed that a city's true strength lies in the character and integrity of its people.
Whitman's concept of a great city is one that values freedom, equality, and opportunity for all. He believed that a city's greatness is measured by its ability to inspire and uplift its inhabitants, encouraging them to reach their full potential. Whitman's vision of a great city is one where men and women are able to live with dignity and purpose, contributing to the common good and creating a vibrant and dynamic community.