A kind and gentle heart he had, to comfort friends and foes; the naked every day he clad when he put on his clothes

A kind and gentle heart he had, to comfort friends and foes; the naked every day he clad when he put on his clothes
Oliver Goldsmith, an Irish writer and poet, was known for his kind and gentle nature, both in his personal life and in his literary works. The quote "A kind and gentle heart he had, to comfort friends and foes; the naked every day he clad when he put on his clothes" perfectly encapsulates Goldsmith's character and the way he approached the world around him.Goldsmith was a man who always sought to bring comfort and solace to those around him, regardless of their background or circumstances. He had a deep empathy for others and a genuine desire to help those in need. This is reflected in his works, such as "The Vicar of Wakefield" and "The Deserted Village", where he often portrayed characters who were struggling with poverty and hardship, and who were in need of compassion and understanding.