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A lot of very beautiful women can be a pain because all they're thinking about is how they look

A lot of very beautiful women can be a pain because all they're thinking about is how they look Picture Quote #1

A lot of very beautiful women can be a pain because all they're thinking about is how they look

Emma Thompson is a renowned actress known for her talent, wit, and intelligence. She has always been vocal about issues related to women's rights, body image, and the pressure society puts on women to look a certain way. In the context of the statement "A lot of very beautiful women can be a pain because all they're thinking about is how they look," Emma Thompson's perspective is likely to be insightful and thought-provoking.

Thompson has often spoken out against the objectification of women in the entertainment industry and the unrealistic beauty standards that are imposed on them. She has criticized the media for perpetuating harmful stereotypes and promoting a narrow definition of beauty that can be damaging to women's self-esteem and mental health.
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