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A politician is one that would circumvent God

A politician is one that would circumvent God Picture Quote #1

A politician is one that would circumvent God

In the world of William Shakespeare's plays, politicians are often portrayed as cunning and manipulative individuals who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. The quote "A politician is one that would circumvent God" speaks to the idea that politicians are willing to go against moral and ethical principles in order to gain power and control.

One of the most famous examples of a politician in Shakespeare's works is the character of Iago in "Othello." Iago is a master manipulator who uses deception and lies to manipulate those around him, ultimately leading to the downfall of the noble Othello. In his pursuit of power and revenge, Iago is willing to betray his friends and even manipulate the emotions of those closest to him. His actions are a clear example of someone who would "circumvent God" in order to achieve his own selfish desires.

Another example of a politician in Shakespeare's plays is the character of Macbeth in the play of the same name. Macbeth is a nobleman who is driven by ambition and a desire for power. He is willing to murder his own king in order to fulfill a prophecy that he will become king himself. Macbeth's actions are a clear example of someone who is willing to go against moral and ethical principles in order to achieve his own goals.
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