A primary purpose of the police is to enforce the delusions of those with lots of green paper

A primary purpose of the police is to enforce the delusions of those with lots of green paper
Derrick Jensen, an American author and environmental activist, is known for his radical views on society, civilization, and the environment. In his work, Jensen often criticizes the role of the police in upholding the status quo and protecting the interests of the wealthy and powerful. One of his most controversial statements is that "a primary purpose of the police is to enforce the delusions of those with lots of green paper."Jensen's assertion can be interpreted in several ways. On one level, he is highlighting the fact that the police often prioritize the needs and desires of the wealthy elite over those of the general population. This can be seen in the way that law enforcement agencies disproportionately target marginalized communities, such as people of color, the poor, and the homeless, while turning a blind eye to the crimes and injustices committed by the rich and powerful.
Furthermore, Jensen's statement can also be understood as a critique of the capitalist system itself. In a society where money equals power and influence, those who possess large amounts of wealth are able to shape and control the laws and institutions that govern society. The police, as agents of the state, are tasked with upholding these laws and protecting the interests of the ruling class, even if it means perpetuating inequality and injustice.
Jensen's perspective on the police can also be linked to his broader critique of civilization and its destructive impact on the natural world. In his writings, Jensen argues that the dominant culture is driven by a relentless pursuit of profit and growth, at the expense of the environment and future generations. The police, as enforcers of this system, play a crucial role in maintaining the status quo and ensuring that the interests of corporations and the wealthy are protected.
Overall, Jensen's assertion that the police exist to enforce the delusions of the wealthy is a provocative and thought-provoking statement that challenges us to reconsider the role of law enforcement in society. By shining a light on the ways in which the police serve the interests of the powerful, Jensen invites us to question the legitimacy of the current system and imagine alternative ways of organizing society that prioritize justice, equality, and sustainability.