A time there is when like a thrice told tale, long rifled life of sweets can yield no more

A time there is when like a thrice told tale, long rifled life of sweets can yield no more
Edward Young was an English poet and playwright who lived during the 18th century. He is best known for his work "Night Thoughts," a long poem that reflects on the themes of life, death, and the afterlife. In this poem, Young explores the idea that there comes a time in life when all the pleasures and joys that once brought happiness and fulfillment begin to lose their luster. This sentiment is captured in the line, "A time there is when like a thrice told tale, long rifled life of sweets can yield no more."This line speaks to the idea that as we grow older and experience more of life's pleasures, they can become less satisfying and fulfilling. The things that once brought us joy and excitement may eventually lose their appeal, leaving us feeling empty and disillusioned. This sense of disillusionment is a common theme in Young's work, as he often grappled with the fleeting nature of happiness and the inevitability of death.