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Abbreviation Quotes

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The word abbreviation sure is long for what it means  (Abbreviation Quotes) The military never uses a full word if they can create an abbreviation  (Abbreviation Quotes) Today when two people decide upon a thoughtless and precipitate abbreviation of the physical space between them, they think, at least at that moment, that they’re mutually attracted and drawn together by an overwhelming force  (Abbreviation Quotes) What modern technology has done has afforded us the luxury of abbreviation and being concise with time, I think. Things that it would take you a week to do can now be done in a day, which is absolutely awesome because you can concentrate on the bigger picture.  (Abbreviation Quotes) Today when two people decide upon a thoughtless and precipitate abbreviation of the physical space between them, they think, at least at that moment, that they’re mutually attracted and drawn together by an overwhelming force.  (Abbreviation Quotes)