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Abdominal Quotes

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I am just coming into my best years. This year I did new things; stretching and abdominal work  (Abdominal Quotes) I'd decreased my sit-up regime and had taken to drawing on abdominal muscles with brown eye shadow  (Abdominal Quotes) From the half open doors of this chiffonier hung laces, ribands, stockings, ladies' underclothing and an abdominal brace, which gave the impression that the feminine finery had suffered venery  (Abdominal Quotes) I had a major surgery, a major abdominal surgery, and a mass was removed from my pelvic area, and I do have some more recovery to do. But everything seems to be fine  (Abdominal Quotes) The abdominal and waist region coordinate all parts of the body and act as the center or generator. Therefore, you can promote the ability to control the body’s action and master your will more easily  (Abdominal Quotes) Hip hop classes and ballet are what I’ve been keeping up with, and of course my usual abdominal workout, which consists of 500 sit-ups a session. Or I take a 30-minute abs class at my gym. But dance classes are a full-body cardio workout, which always brings me success and keeps me feeling great.  (Abdominal Quotes) I always work on my abs, every single day. As Miss Universe, exercising your abdominal muscles is mandatory!  (Abdominal Quotes)