Abhishek Shukla Quotes

Text Quotes
Pray GOD by HEART, Not by HABIT (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Love is the reflection of a broken heart in a shattered mirror... (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Time change - Moments don’t (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Only Boiled Seeds are afraid of failure (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
YOU have to design your own Price tag for the world (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
The only way to be content in life is to make sure your NEED don’t become GREED (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
What seems like the right thing to do could also be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Growing older doesn’t mean that you are more mature than everyone who is younger than you. Maturity is a lot of things, and age has nothing to do with it. (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Have and show motivation to do and learn. That’s the key for a good career. Everything else is an extrapolation of that. (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
The only goal in life is to be happy, genuinely, intensely and consistently , regardless of what it looks like to others. (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
How long you will live in your dreams? The time is now, it’s better to go and follow them (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Living your life is a task so difficult it has never been attempted before (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Life is same for everyone. The difference is only that some are living by heart and some for only sake of living (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Its all about perception in life, For some One minus One = One and for some its Zero.That’s the only difference. (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Respect is reverence out of love, Fear is reverence out of hate.Choose Wisely (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
The thing about our choices is that after we have made them, they turn around and make us (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
To be successful in life , Plan, Implement, Revise, Update, and Build on Change (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
We all have this perfect little image of who we want to be, but it is unnecessary. Throw the image away. You’re already you just be the best version of yourself. (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Being Wise and Being Smart are two different things anyone can be smart but those who master the art of knowing what to overlook in this journey called life deserves to be called Wise (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
To enjoy a peaceful and Beautiful Life We should open our ‘EYE’ and Close our ‘I (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
The most important principle for self discovery and to taste success is rather than changing other’s attitude changes your own. And always remember same sun which melts the butter also hardens the clay (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Two powerful factors which creates difference between destroying your relationship and deepening it are EGO and Attitude (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)
Find answers in your weakness and surprise in your strength and always remember the golden rule every failure has HOPES (Abhishek Shukla Quotes)