Ability Quotes

Text Quotes
Sometimes when you make a film you can go away for three months and then come back and live your life. But this struck a much deeper chord. I don’t have the ability yet to speak about it in an objective (Ability Quotes)
Your most precious possession is not your financial assets. Your most precious possession is the people you have working there, and what they carry around in their heads, and their ability to work together (Ability Quotes)
No skill shapes a child’s future success in school or in life more than the ability to read (Ability Quotes)
Money can add very much to one’s ability to lead a constructive life, not only pleasant for oneself, but, hopefully, beneficial to others (Ability Quotes)
Certain brief sentences are peerless in their ability to give one the feeling that nothing remains to be said (Ability Quotes)
I did think for many, many years that because of my ability I could beat the system. And I was wrong (Ability Quotes)
I never like to get political, but when you have the ability, through your media, to influence a large mass of people, I would want to be a part of the evolving cycle of progress vs. keeping things the way that they are (Ability Quotes)
It is often said that the magnitude of a people is measured by their ability to know how to win (Ability Quotes)
Handcuffing the ability of states and localities to develop clean fuels in the cheapest possible way, using local resources, is not sound or sensible policy (Ability Quotes)
I respect people who feel things passionately. I do. But when someone is a judge, that is not what they should bring to the bench. It is not really passion, except in rare instances, that serves the bench well. It is, rather, an ability to understand the law and follow it (Ability Quotes)
An absolutely necessary part of a writer’s equipment, almost as necessary as talent, is the ability to stand up under punishment, both the punishment the world hands out and the punishment he inflicts upon himself (Ability Quotes)
There is no more defiant denial of one man’s ability to possess one woman exclusively than the prostitute who refuses to redeemed (Ability Quotes)
You have to be there not for the fame and glory and recognition and being a page in a history book, but you have to be there because you believe your talent and ability can be applied effectively to operation of the spacecraft (Ability Quotes)
If you live for pleasure, your ability to enjoy it may pass away and your senses grow dim (Ability Quotes)
In terms of playing ability there is nothing to choose between number one and 100. Instead, it’s a question of who believes and who wants it more? Which player is mentally stronger? Which player is going to fight the hardest in the big points? These are the things that determine who is the champion (Ability Quotes)
We have developed this unbelievable ability to deny. We have to. If we didn’t, we’d go crazy (Ability Quotes)
So many dancers paint. I used to paint. I started again recently. While I was dancing, I was very busy with my career. Start something else that makes use of your creative ability because if you don’t you will die inside as a person (Ability Quotes)
I’ve never been in a place where winning has hurt the ability to do anything (Ability Quotes)
One of the things that comedy has given me over the years is a really good ability to laugh at myself and to not take things that don’t matter too much too seriously. I feel that very little offends me anymore and I’m really grateful for that because I think I was a pretty uptight little kid (Ability Quotes)
I didn’t have any doubts about my choice of career, but I had constant doubts about my ability, yes (Ability Quotes)
After all, an overvalued dollar gives us the ability to buy foreign goods at lower prices. And the existing volume of exports brings more yen and euros than they would if the dollar were more competitive (Ability Quotes)
There might’ve been wires, but I have this ability to make myself light. Well you know what, in ballet, when you kind of lift yourself here, it’s all up in the head (Ability Quotes)
I mean, this whole digital revolution is really eroding the director’s importance on a movie because, number one, just from a practical standpoint, with floppy disks and the ability to put all of the film onto a disk, more people have access to the movie (Ability Quotes)
The totality of a record is usually beyond ones ability to imagine when you start working on it, but the component parts are, usually, fairly clear one way or another (Ability Quotes)
I think the feelings in my music were suggested to me before I even had the ability to play music (Ability Quotes)
Well, if storytelling is important, then your narrative ability, or your ability to put into words or use what someone else has put into words effectively, is important too (Ability Quotes)
I know I have the ability to do so much more than just stand in front of the camera the rest of my life (Ability Quotes)
Early on, it’s good to develop the ability to write. Learning to write is a useful exercise, even if what you’re writing about is not that relevant (Ability Quotes)
Without pay, no human being will work up to their ability if he or she is not cared for and respected (Ability Quotes)
I believe that nothing is more important to our ability to effectively address our present than understanding the lessons learned from those who have come before us (Ability Quotes)