Able Quotes

Text Quotes
If you, unknowing, are able to create masterpieces in color, then unknowledge is your way. But if you are unable to create masterpieces in color out of your unknowledge, then you ought to look for knowledge (Able Quotes)
We humans will never know how meadows or mountains smell, but deer and horses and pigs do. Bando sniffs deeply and shakes his head. We were left out when it comes to smelling things, he says. I would love to be able to smell a mountain and follow my nose to it (Able Quotes)
I want to be able to sing well, but I have the worst voice in the world (Able Quotes)
The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you’ll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it (Able Quotes)
I always carry a camera because it is so important to me to take pictures and document all the incredible things and places I have been able to see through this experience (Able Quotes)
I don’t think that architecture is only about shelter, is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think (Able Quotes)
The important thing is not establishing if you are afraid or not but it’s to be able to live with your own fear without being influenced by it. Otherwise it’s not courage anymore, but recklessness (Able Quotes)
I found that I faced a highly complex situation, and that I couldnt hope to change it until I had armed myself with the necessary psychological and intellectual capacity. My contemplation of life and human nature in that secluded place had taught me that he who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality, and will never, therefore, make any process (Able Quotes)
If friendship is to transpire between two people, it is important that both be in a state of availability. I have often been in the company of those who complain that they have no friends. Inevitably, I have observed that this condition was due to their own lack of availability; they were too encumbered to be able to welcome another. Such unavailability may be exterior in nature; that is, people may lack the time or the emotional energy necessary for friendship (Able Quotes)
The man who has a library of his own collection is able to contemplate himself objectively, and is justified in believing in his own existence (Able Quotes)
Greed will always leave you dissatisfied because you’ll never be able to get everything you desire. Greed never allows you to think you have enough; it always destroys you by making you strive ever harder for more (Able Quotes)
When we come to that compassionate awareness that is not afraid of the fear, that can embrace the fear, we are able to heal the wounds of the child and the adult and begin to live the lives we’ve always wanted to live (Able Quotes)
If your definition of homosexuality is being able to do whatever you want to and that you should be able to go and engage in sex with another person and because of that the disease you have is going to spread to that person and they’re going to take it home and give it to their wife, how much tolerance should we have for that?... zero tolerance (Able Quotes)
It seems to me that the real clue to your sexual orientation lies in your romantic feelings rather than your sexual feelings. If you are really gay, you are able to fall in love with a man, not just enjoy sex with him (Able Quotes)
We will see beauty in the outer world when we are able to see beauty within ourselves. And this is the best thing we can do for ourselves and for the universe (Able Quotes)
When we stop to count our blessings rather than focusing on our predicament, our attitude will be able to help us cope with our situation more productively (Able Quotes)
When I am able to resist the temptation to judge others, I can see them as teachers (Able Quotes)
Race is the great taboo in our society. We are afraid to talk about it. White folks fear their unspoken views will be deemed racist. People of color are filled with sorrow and rage at unrighted wrongs. Drowning in silence, we are brothers and sisters drowning each other. Once we decide to transform ourselves from fearful caterpillars into courageous butterflies, we will be able to bridge the racial gulf and move forward together towards a bright and colorful future (Able Quotes)
You have to love yourself or you’ll never be able to accept compliments from anyone (Able Quotes)
The greatest wonder is never being able to know what will happen next. No matter how hard you try, the future will always be ahead of you (Able Quotes)
Not doing is not about immobility or giving up in despair. It is first and foremost about being able to be with, to accept fully, what is in this moment (Able Quotes)
When you forgive, you heal your own anger and hurt and are able to let love lead again. It’s like spring cleaning for your heart (Able Quotes)
Every parent’s deepest wish is that their children are self sufficient, happy, and able to live a full life (Able Quotes)
Cowriting is very personal. A great song is an honest song, so you have to be able to open up to the person in the room. It’s like a blind date. I know in the first five minutes if it’s gonna be weird (Able Quotes)
Although I didn’t write myself off as a complete failure, all illusion and romance was gone. I was no longer able to inflate myself; I had disappointed my own expectations and was genuinely worried about dying in the streets (Able Quotes)
We all long for someone with whom we are able to share our peculiar burdens of being alive (Able Quotes)
Failure is part of discovering the problem you need to be working on. If, as an entrepreneur, you are afraid to fail or to admit the failure of your efforts, then you completely lose any chance at being able to adapt and succeed at finding the problem that needs solving (Able Quotes)
Nineteen percent of doctors say that they’d be able to give their patients a lethal injection. But they also went on to say that the patient would have to be really, really behind on payments (Able Quotes)
People have a range of capacities to deal with overwhelming experience. Some people, some kids particularly, are able to disappear into a fantasy world, to dissociate, to pretend like it isnt happening, and are able to go on with their lives. And sometimes it comes back to haunt them (Able Quotes)
Storytelling strengthens the imagination. To imagine is to envision, to see with the inward eye. This ability to imagine is the basis of all creativity. Creativity is being able to see beyond what is readily apparent. It is seeing a new answer to an old problem (Able Quotes)