Able Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe that the time given to refutation in philosophy is usually time lost. Of the many attacks directed by many thinkers against each other, what now remains? Nothing, or assuredly very little. That which counts and endures is the modicum of positive truth which each contributes. The true statement is, of itself, able to displace the erroneous idea, and becomes, without our having taken the trouble of refuting anyone, the best of refutations (Able Quotes)
The important thing in acting is to be able to laugh and cry. If I have to cry, I think of my sex life. If I have to laugh, I think of my sex life (Able Quotes)
If I could live my life over again, there is one thing I would change. I would want to be able to eat less (Able Quotes)
Health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity and there is an obligation for society to ensure that every person be able to realize this right (Able Quotes)
I’ve been, I think, able to stay grounded in such a crazy business, and I attribute that a lot to my family, and especially to my mother. Because, you know, she just was always there to kind of remind me of what priorities should be. O.K., yes, I’m an artist, I’m a performer, but I’m a sister, I’m a daughter, I’m a granddaughter, I’m an aunt. Those things have to be as important, if not more important, than my career (Able Quotes)
I find myself getting so upset because I was never able to be a good mother for my daughter or a good grandmother for my granddaughter because I was always so sick. I only hope that I can live long enough to see my granddaughter graduate (Able Quotes)
History matters. It matters whether we tell the truth about what happened centuries ago, and it matters whether we tell the truth about more recent history. It matters because if we can’t we will never be able to face the present, guaranteeing that our future will be doomed (Able Quotes)
Someone who is elated with wine speaks the truth on all subjects, even without meaning to. In the same way, anyone who is inebriated with the spirit of penitence will never be able to tell lies (Able Quotes)
Some mountaineers are proud of having done all their climbs without bivouac. How much they have missed! And the same applies to those who enjoy only rock climbing, or only the ice climbs, onyl the ridges or faces. We should refuse none of the thousands and one joys that the mountains offer us at every turn. We should brush nothing aside, set no restrictions. We should experience hunger and thirst, be able to go fast, but also to go slowly and to contemplate (Able Quotes)
Love is fostered by confidence and constancy; he who is able to give much is able also to love much (Able Quotes)
Liberalism demands that people without guns be able to tell people with guns what to do (Able Quotes)
We are like sailors who on the open sea must reconstruct their ship but are never able to start afresh from the bottom. Where a beam is taken away a new one must at once be put there, and for this the rest of the ship is used as support. In this way, by using the old beams and driftwood the ship can be shaped entirely anew, but only by gradual reconstruction (Able Quotes)
Never, however, do I take shortcuts. There is not path of least resistance in my training. What I do equates to hard manual labor, disciplined grunt work. Once you permit yourself to compromise, you fail yourself. You might be able to fool some people, but you can never fool yourself. Your toughest critic is the one you face every morning in the mirror (Able Quotes)
You don’t score 64 goals in 86 games at the highest level without being able to score goals (Able Quotes)
When I present or speak, I write the slides myself. And regarding time, I would like to be able to publish more than I do (Able Quotes)
What we’re thinking about is a peaceful planet. We’re not thinking about anything else. We’re not thinking about any kind of power. We’re not thinking about any kind of struggles. We’re not thinking about revolution or war or any of that. That’s not what we want. Nobody wants to get hurt. Nobody wants to hurt anybody. We would all like to be able to live an uncluttered life. A simple life, a good life. And think about moving the whole human race ahead a step, or a few steps (Able Quotes)
The sole justification of teaching, of the school itself, is that the student comes out of it able to do something he could not do before. I say do and not know, because knowledge that doesn’t lead to doing something new or doing something better is not knowledge at all (Able Quotes)
Mathematics is a language. We want scientists to be able to read it, speak it, and write it. But we are are not training them to be grammarians (Able Quotes)
When we use a language, we should commit ourselves to knowing it, being able to read it, and writing it idiomatically (Able Quotes)
There was a man that hated his footprints and his shadow, so one day he thought that if he ran fast enough, his footprints and shadow would not be able to follow him and then he never ever had to look at them again. He ran and he ran as fast as he could, but the shadow and the footprints had no problems keeping up to him. And he ran even faster and all of a sudden he fell dead to the ground. But if he been standing still there hadn’t been any footprints and if he had been resting under a tree his shadow had been swallowed of the trees shadow (Able Quotes)
Beware of greed and remain pure and just. Restrain yourself from every vice. He who cannot restrain himself, how will he be able to teach others restraint? (Able Quotes)
Many psychologists... thought by turning their attention to their own consciousness to be able to explain what happened when we were thnking. Or they sought to attain the same end by asking another person a question, by means of which certain processes of thought would be excited, and then by questioning the person about the introspection he had made. It is obvious... that nothing can be discovered in such experiments (Able Quotes)
We know, from ordinary life, that we are not able to direct our attention perfectly steadily and uniformly to one and the same object... At times the attention turns towards the object most intensely, and at times the energy flags (Able Quotes)
As a chess player one has to be able to control one’s feelings, one has to be as cold as a machine (Able Quotes)
... the pretense is made, as it has been made in relation to the finding of any extension of truth, that to do away with right and wrong would produce uncivilized people, immorality, lawlessness and social chaos. The fact is that most psychiatrists and psychologists and other respected people have escaped from moral chains and are able to think freely (Able Quotes)
Sex outdoors is great. I’m not an exhibitionist, but I love the possibility that people might be able to see (Able Quotes)
We’re all attracted to the perfume of fermenting joy, we’ve all tried to start a fire, and one day maybe it will blaze up on its own. In the meantime, she is the one today among us most able to bear the idea of her own beauty (Able Quotes)
Power isn’t having the world at your fingertips; it is having the world at your fingertips and being able to give it up! (Able Quotes)
Learning is all about connections, and through our connections with unique people we are able to gain a true understanding of the world around us (Able Quotes)
We are making choices that will affect whether beings thousands of generations from now will be able to be born sound of mind and body (Able Quotes)