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I was a barbarian, tender and full of violence. I translated by instinct, without any method, not merely an artistic truth but above all a human one (Above Quotes)
Above all, good leaders are open. They go up, down, and around their organization to reach people. They don’t stick to the established channels. They’re informal. They’re straight with people. They make a religion out of being accessible. They never get bored telling their story (Above Quotes)
The principal subject is the surface, which has its color, its laws over and above those of object (Above Quotes)
Judo has helped me to understand that pictorial space is above all the product of spiritual exercises. Judo is, in fact, the discovery by the human body of a spiritual space (Above Quotes)
Creativity gives new forms, new patterns, new ideas, new art forms. And we don’t know where creativity comes from. Is it inspired from above? Welling up from below? Picked up from the air? What? Creativity is a mystery wherever you encounter it (Above Quotes)
Gasoline inventories are tighter than they were a few weeks ago. It’s all about perception, because inventories are well above where they have been in previous years (Above Quotes)
That which interests me above all else is the calligraphy of a tree or the tiles of a roof, and I mean leaf by leaf, branch by branch, blade by blade of grass (Above Quotes)
Lose yourself in the far off worlds that are right under your feet. Switch below with above all the way up into infinity. We should be thankful who we are, whether we know ourselves or not (Above Quotes)
The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us (Above Quotes)
Let us show, not merely in great crises, but in every day of life, qualities of practical intelligence, of hardihood and endurance, and above all, the power of devotion to a lofty ideal (Above Quotes)
Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. I mean do not be disheartened by your imperfections, but always rise up with fresh courage. How are we to be patient in dealing with our neighbour’s faults if we are impatient in dealing with our own? He who is fretted by his own failings will not correct them. All profitable correction comes from a calm and peaceful mind (Above Quotes)
Living faith is above circumstances; no delays can discourage it, no loss of friends or depression in trade can touch it (Above Quotes)
Bodily vigor is good, and vigor of intellect is even better, but far above is character (Above Quotes)
Go to inspirational meetings, get to know men and women who are doing inspiring things. Above all, run as hard as you can from the cynics and gripers and the negativists. They are not going anywhere. You are (Above Quotes)
Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. I mean, do not be disturbed because of your imperfections, and always rise up bravely from a fall. I am glad that you make a daily new beginning; there is no better means of progress in the spiritual life than to be continually beginning afresh, and never to think that we have done enough (Above Quotes)
The uselessness of men above sixty years of age and the incalculable benefit it would be in commercial, in political, and in professional life, if as a matter of course, men stopped work at this age (Above Quotes)
Only until you rise above the use of the second attention for manipulation that you can enter into a consciousness in which there is enlightenment (Above Quotes)
When we meditate with love we go very, very high, above thought, above form. Your love will cause you to have a union (Above Quotes)
Humility is my best friend, I’ve always valued it above all other spiritual qualities (Above Quotes)
Unkindness to anything means an injustice to that thing. If I am unkind to you I do you an injustice, or wrong you in some way. On the other hand, if I try to assist you in every way that I can to make a better citizen and in every way to do my very best for you, I am kind to you. The above principles apply with equal force to the soil. The farmer whose soil produces less every year, is unkind to it in some way; that is, he is not doing by it what he should; he is robbing it of some substance it must have, and he becomes, therefore, a soil robber rather than a progressive farmer (Above Quotes)
You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down... So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. In climbing, take careful note of the difficulties along your way; for as you go up, you can observe them. Coming down, you will no longer see them, but you will know they are there if you have observed them well (Above Quotes)
I dreamed I saw the bombers riding shot gun in the sky and they were turning into butterflies above our nation (Above Quotes)
I think you have to be flexible above all as an actor; different characters have different demands, actors that you work with are different in their approach, or how you get along or don’t get along with them (Above Quotes)
What you do in a fight gym is learn how to be brave. You’re learning how to punch and kick in a proper way, of course, but above all else, a fighter is someone who’s got courage, who’s dead game in a fight. Most guys don’t come into the world that way. You learn to be brave through that process of getting your fear and timidity beaten out of you night after night after night (Above Quotes)
Above all, anger needs to be felt so it can be talked through, understood and integrated, rather than acted out. In this way, it cleanses the self (Above Quotes)
When the conception of internal form is governed by edge, color appears to remain on or above the surface. I think, on the contrary, of color as being seen in and throughout, not solely on, the surface (Above Quotes)
Sure, love vincit omnia; is immeasurably above all ambition, more precious than wealth, more noble than name. He knows not life who knows not that: he hath not felt the highest faculty of the soul who hath not enjoyed it (Above Quotes)
A good many causes tend to make good masters and mistresses quite as rare as good servants... The large and rapid fortunes by which vulgar and ignorant people become possessed of splendid houses, splendidly furnished, do not, of course, give them the feelings and manners of gentle folks, or in any way really raise them above the servants they employ, who are quite aware of this fact, and that the possession of wealth is literally the only superiority their employers have over them (Above Quotes)
For many sportsmen, coming face to face with irrefutable evidence of their mortality is the moment they dread above all others (Above Quotes)
Rise above the deceptions and temptations of the mind. This is your duty. Learn to become wise. Desire nothing, give up all desires and be happy. The real spiritual progress of the meditator is measured by the extent to which they achieve inner tranquility and freedom from desire (Above Quotes)