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My deepest feeling about politicians is that they are dangerous lunatics to be avoided when possible and carefully humored; people, above all, to whom one must never tell the truth (Above Quotes)
The aim of morality is to give people a standard of action and a motive to work by which, they will not intensify each person’s selfishness, but raise them up above it (Above Quotes)
And though I came to forget or regret all I have ever done, yet would I remember that once I saw the dragons aloft on the wind at sunset above the western isles; and I would be content (Above Quotes)
And I was yet aware that this was only a moment, that the world waited outside, as hungry as a tiger, and that trouble stretched above us, longer than the sky (Above Quotes)
As soon as one promises not to do something, it becomes the one thing above all others that one most wishes to do (Above Quotes)
She should be on a hill somewhere, under a fruit tree, with the sun and clouds above her and the rain to wash her clean (Above Quotes)
But now I knew that true love was above all that and that it would be better to die than to fail to love (Above Quotes)
One prefers, of course, on all occasions to be stainless and above reproach, but, failing that, the next best thing is unquestionably to have got rid of the body (Above Quotes)
Parents have the glorious opportunity of being the most powerful influence, above and beyond any other, on the new lives that bless their homes (Above Quotes)
Within all of us there is a storm. Some believe it will never end: but he who has faith in the heavens above will weather any storm (Above Quotes)
I do esteem individual liberty above everything. What is a nation for, but to secure the maximum liberty to every individual? (Above Quotes)
Success rests with having the courage and endurance and, above all, the will to become the person you are, however peculiar that may be. Then you will be able to say, I found my hero and he is me (Above Quotes)
The public schools shall be free from sectarian influences and, above all, free from any attitude of hostility to the adherents of any particular creed (Above Quotes)
If our words are not consistent with our actions, they will never be heard above the thunder of our deeds (Above Quotes)
Most people are such fools that it is really no great compliment to say that someone is above the average (Above Quotes)
Whoever declares another heretic is himself a devil. Whoever places a relic or artifact above justice, kindness, mercy, or truth is himself a devil and the thing elevated is a work of evil magic (Above Quotes)
We need above all to know about changes; no one wants or needs to be reminded 16 hours a day that his shoes are on (Above Quotes)
All we know of science or of religion comes from philosophy. It lies behind and above all other knowledge we have or use (Above Quotes)
Christ’s mission is to release the divine into our conscious knowing. He awakens the impulse in man to rise above his lower nature and be aware of his higher nature that dwells within (Above Quotes)
Rise above... cultivate the light you have within you, and it will shine through as a radiant expression that will be seen by others (Above Quotes)
Children don’t need beating. They need love and encouragement. They need fathers to whom they can look with respect rather than fear. Above all, they need example (Above Quotes)
Being a film director involves, above all, a lot of hard work and resolve and determination. The glamour doesn’t come until the premiere and the thing is all long done (Above Quotes)
The mere imparting of information is not education. Above all things, the effort must result in making a man think and do for himself (Above Quotes)
But man is above all a social and political animal; his relations with his fellow human beings form his most absorbing and important interest (Above Quotes)
Any society that values wealth above freedom will lose its freedom, and will ultimately lose its wealth as well (Above Quotes)
A life worth living might be measured in many ways, but the one way that stands above all others is living a life of no regrets (Above Quotes)
But one sound always rose above the clamor of busy life and, no matter how much of a tintinnabulation, was never confused and, fora moment lifted everything into an ordered sphere: that of the bells (Above Quotes)
We must seek, above all, a world of peace; a world in which peoples dwell together in mutual respect and work together in mutual regard (Above Quotes)
It is this trick of capitalism, of subjecting labor to competition, while lifted wholly above it by class law itself, that is objectionable (Above Quotes)
Political success is often dependent on the ability to be heard above the din of controversy and debate and to set a course with one’s own compass (Above Quotes)