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Never hesitate to let the one you love know how you feel. Align your minds, synchronise your hearts and above be fearless when dancing with their souls. (Above Quotes)
This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook- try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun! (Above Quotes)
The career of politics grants a feeling of power. The knowledge of influencing men, of participating in power over them, and above all, the feeling of holding in one’s hands a nerve fiber of historically important events can elevate the professional politician above everyday routine even when he is placed in formally modest positions. (Above Quotes)
I, personally, have had to rise above my feelings of inferiority to my sister Anjelica, not to mention feeling sorry for myself because I lost my mother so young. (Above Quotes)
But man is above all a social and political animal; his relations with his fellow human beings form his most absorbing and important interest. (Above Quotes)
...that in spite of living in a mansion an American is not above wearing a pair of secondhand pants, bought for fifty cents. (Above Quotes)
Being a film director involves, above all, a lot of hard work and resolve and determination. The glamour doesn’t come until the premiere and the thing is all long done. (Above Quotes)
Take my hand and we’ll go riding through the sunshine from above. We’ll find happiness together in the summer skies of love. (Above Quotes)
In spite of the extent to which Solomon went to find happiness, because he left God out of the picture, nothing satisfied. It never will. Satisfaction in life will never occur until there is a meaningful connection with the living Lord above the sun. (Above Quotes)
In the 9/11 Commission Report, one of the things they point out is that firefighters saved just about everybody below the fire. I don’t think they realize how proud the fire department is of that. Because, conceivably, that’s all they could have done. They could not have gotten above that fire. (Above Quotes)
Above all, a query letter is a sales pitch and it is the single most important page an unpublished writer will ever write. It’s the first impression and will either open the door or close it. It’s that important, so don’t mess it up. Mine took 17 drafts and two weeks to write. (Above Quotes)
Walking at random through the streets, we came by chance upon the Cathedral of Notre Dame. I shall long remember my first impression of the scene within. The lofty gothic ceiling arched far above my head and through the stained windows the light came but dimly - it was all still, solemn and religious. (Above Quotes)
It’s all right for a woman to be, above all, human. I am a woman first of all. (Above Quotes)
You would have thought that our first priority would be to ask what the ecologists are finding out, because we have to live within the conditions and principles they define. Instead, we’ve elevated the economy above ecology. (Above Quotes)
Writing is rewriting; rewriting is writing - from the first crossed-out word in the first sentence to the last word inserted above a caret, that most helpful handwritten stroke. (Above Quotes)
The birds of anonymity fly high above in our shared sky. Witness their beauty. (Above Quotes)
Your most important tasks and priorities are those that can have the most serious consequences, positive or negative, on your life or work. Focus on these above all. (Above Quotes)
To copy Nature? A boy with a camera can do that. To get the spirit of Nature? A woodman or a shepherd can follow the trail of the whistling wind to hoarded sunshine in distant wolds. But to interpret Nature and inform it with a human personality that rises above it, invokes the divine in it, is the work of genius. (Above Quotes)
Penance is the willingness to undergo hardships for the achievement of a good purpose. I was willing. But when hardships came I found myself lifted above them. Instead of hardship, I found a wonderful sense of peace and joy and conviction that I was following God’s will. Blessings instead of hardships are showered upon me. (Above Quotes)
...quality of life lies in knowledge, in culture. Values are what constitute true quality of life, the supreme quality of life, even above food, shelter and clothing. (Above Quotes)
The dirty alliance between religious preachers and possessors of power brought the boon of prisons, gallows, knouts and above all such theories for the mankind. (Above Quotes)
Above all, we shall wage no more unilateral, ill-planned, ill-considered, and ill-prepared invasions of foreign countries that pose no actual threat to our security. (Above Quotes)
An artist is above all a human being, profoundly human to the core. If the artist can’t feel everything that humanity feels, if the artist isn’t capable of loving until he forgets himself and sacrifices himself if necessary, if he won’t put down his magic brush and head the fight against the oppressor, then he isn’t a great artist. (Above Quotes)
Most theorists suspect that space has an intricate structure - that it is ‘grainy’ - but that this structure is on a much finer scale than any known subatomic particle. The structure could be of an exotic kind: extra dimensions, over and above the three that we are used to (up and down, backward and forward, left and right). (Above Quotes)
Sippin’ on that brown stuff Got you feeling like you found love, Or maybe it was just luck. But’s probably none of the above. (Above Quotes)
I visit Fox News every now and again, and it’s nice, because the Eye of Mordor is above the building. (Above Quotes)
To the free man, the country is the collection of individuals who compose it, not something over and above them. (Above Quotes)
If you set out to seek freedom, then learn above all things to govern your soul and your senses . . . only through discipline may a man learn to be free. (Above Quotes)
To realize that new world we must prefer the values of freedom and equality above all other values - above personal wealth, technical power and nationalism. (Above Quotes)
Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties. (Above Quotes)