Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes

Text Quotes
Those of faith who plant sacred thoughts in the uplands of time, the secret gardeners of the Lord in mankind's desolate hopes, may slacken and tarry but rarely betray their vocation (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Human being is both being in the world and living in the world. Living involves responsible understanding of one's role in relation to all other beings. For living is not being in itself, but living of the world, affecting, exploiting, consuming, comprehending, deriving, depriving (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
I have one talent, and that is the capacity to be tremendously surprised, surprised at life, at ideas. This is to me the supreme Hasidic imperative: Don't be old. Don't be stale (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
The riches of the soul are stored up in it's memory. This is the test of character, not whether a man follows the daily fashion, but whether the past is alive in his present (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Faith is something that comes out of the soul. It is not an information that is absorbed but an attitude, existing prior to the formulation of any creed (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Reality is not exhausted by knowledge. Inaccessible to research are the ultimate facts. All scientific conclusions are based on axioms, all reasoning depends ultimately upon faith. Faith is virgin thinking, preceding all transcendent knowledge. To believe is to abide at the extremities of spirit (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
We do not step out of the world when we pray; we merely see the world in a different setting. The self is not the hub but the spoke of the revolving wheel. It is precisely the function of prayer to shift the center of living from self consciousness to self surrender (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Proximity to the crowd, to the majority view, spells the death of creativity. For a soul can create only when alone, and some are chosen for the flowering that takes place in the dark avenues of night (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
New insight begins when satisfaction comes to an end, when all that has been seen, said, or done looks like a distortion.... Man’s true fulfillment depends on communion with that which transcends him (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Only those will apprehend religion who can probe its depth, who can combine intuition and love with the rigor of method (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
The worship of reason is arrogance and betrays a lack of intelligence. The rejection of reason is cowardice and betrays a lack of faith (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
The problem to be faced is: how to combine loyalty to one’s own tradition with reverence for different traditions (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
... morally speaking, there is no limit to the concern one must feel for the suffering of human beings, that indifference to evil is worse than evil itself, that in a free society, some are guilty, but all are responsible (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Remember that there is meaning beyond absurdity. Know that every deed counts, that every word is power... Above all, remember that you must build your life as if it were a work of art (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
We can never sneer at the stars, mock the dawn, or scoff at the totality of being (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Wonder or radical amazement is the chief characteristic of the religious man’s attitude toward history and nature (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
To sing means to sense and to affirm that the spirit is real and that its glory is present (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Speech has power. Words do not fade. What starts out as a sound, ends in a deed (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Forfeit your sense of awe, let your conceit diminish your ability to revere, and the universe becomes a market place for you (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
The test of love is in how one relates not to saints and scholars but to rascals (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
There is no specialized art of prayer. All of life must be a training to pray. We pray the way we live (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Solitude is a necessary protest to the incursions and the false alarms of society’s hysteria, a period of cure and recovery (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Prayer cannot bring water to parched fields, or mend a broken bridge, or rebuild a ruined city; but prayer can water an arid soul, mend a broken heart, and rebuild a weakened will (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
There is happiness in the love of labor, there is misery in the love of gain (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
As civilization advances, the sense of wonder declines. Such decline is an alarming symptom of our state of mind. Mankind will not perish for want of information; but only for want of appreciation (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
We may not know whether our understanding is correct, or whether our sentiments are noble, but the air of the day surrounds us like spring which spreads over the land without our aid or notice (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Philosophy may be defined as the art of asking the right question... awareness of the problem outlives all solutions. The answers are questions in disguise, every new answer giving rise to new questions (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
Awe enables us to see in the world intimations of the divine, to sense in small things the beginning of infinite significance, to sense the ultimate in the common and the simple, to feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)
It is dangerous to take human freedom for granted, to regard it as a prerogative rather than as an obligation, as an ultimate fact rather than as an ultimate goal. It is the beginning of wisdom to be amazed at the fact of our being free (Abraham Joshua Heschel Quotes)